Saturday, May 28, 2011

Books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own - William Hazlitt

Well, this is my messy desk. Full of lot of things and stickers '-'

You might be find out that I'd love reading, and now I'll let you see few of my collections.

Not as much as you think, this is just what I treasure the most.

Taraaaa! I guess I need an extra book shelf :s

I've share about this underground series, Tunnels - Deeper - Freefall - Closer.
And there's Artemis Fowl series.

HP4, Maximum Ride, Peter Pan series, Iron King & Stardust.

Actually, I've HP7, but Lala borrow it from me. And for the Stardust, I haven't read it '-' uhm I just like the cover hehehe.

Shiver! Children of The Lamp, The Subtle Knife, Fairish, Guardians of Ga'Hoole series, and 100 Cupboards.

Ohyea you've to know, I like to learning different languages :3

UYEAY! Spiderwick Chronicles! Freddie is in the cover of the box :D

The Iron Fey series; The Iron King. Damn,this one is really ah-mazing! As you see, I'm in Team Ash! but I don't hate Puck at all, I like the way Puck called Meghan 'Princess' that's kind of sweet. When will the other series release in Indo? Ergh

The Secret Sanctruary, this one is kewl too! AAAAAA I dunno what should I say but if you're a fan of fiction, you've to read this!

The Babysitter Club series

Sweet Valley Kids series, this one using english language. My Mom bought this for me '-'

Kalau yang ini membuat koleksi buku saya ceria ahaha, lot of comedy


Some of Detective Conan series

Kitchen Princess. Really, I love this comic so muchhhh. I love Kak Sora :3

Ah about this one, Mayang and me exchange comic, Mayang gave me number 2, I bought number 1 by myself

This one made me cryin :"""

Physic Detective Yakumo, Yakumo looks so kewl><

Smile, Himiko! About pure & innocent love. Cutest story, ever!

Made by Yoshinaga Yuu!

I've some new books too, but, I haven't take the pict hehehe.

So that's it.

See ya later!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dear X-D,

It seems like yesterday, we meet each other in this high school and entering X-D. Gak kerasa sekarang udah harus pisah aja nih, secara harfiah, hanya pisah kelas, tapi pasti bakalan kangen banget sama atmosfir di kelas ini. Biarpun saya masih belum nyaman sama keadaan sekolah tapi di kelas ini saya merasa cukup nyaman, cukup diterima, dan cukup disayang teman-teman (pingin banget disayang lu Din).
X-D punya karakter sendiri, anak-anak yang susah banget diem, terutama KURTOL entah itu singkatan dari apa, sampai sekarang pun saya tidak tau, they're kinda freak, seriously. Banyak juga yang dijadiin bahan ejekan, mulai dari Kiki, the big and black one sampai Ceko si ganteng nan idiot (, Cek). X-D juga memproduksi banyak pelawak yang cukup kawakan seperti Mola, Darwis, dan Cholid. Mereka ber3 hanya segelintir contoh dari para pelawak X-D lainnya. Tidak hanya pelawak, X-D juga memiliki para juara, contohnya Cana, pemilik gelar juara umum pertama seangkatan, applause for Cana!!! *prokprokprokprok* dan ada Madi sang calon dokter.
Wali kelas kami tercinta, Ma'am Wasilah, mungkin patut di berikan penghargaan sebagai guru tersabar periode 2010/2011, beliau selalu sabar menghadapi X-D. We ♥ you Ma'am.
Mengingat 1 tahun yg kita lalui bersama (azek bahasanya), sepertinya banyak kejadian yang menguras tenaga, jiwa, dan raga. Ingat waktu kita sekelas ikut patroli jumat bersama Mr? 2 jam pelajaran bahasa Jerman terbuang sia-sia hanya karena dirinya. Lalu saat kita study tour? Saat perjalanan pulang kita menghabiskan waktu dengan mengabadikan momen itu menggunakan kamera. Dan yang paling berkesan adalah saat kalian membela seorang anak yang novelnya tersita oleh guru PKN, yeah it was me, oh guys "Thank You" isn't enough to repay all of your kindness, you guys rawkkkkk :')
Terima kasih untuk seluruh anak X-D atas semua kenangan ini. Terima kasih Ceko & Mola, teman pulang bersama, kalian sudah seperti bodyguard saya kalau pulang :P. Terima kasih Rafe, teman sepernovelan, seperkomikan, seperfantasian, dan seperimajinasian. And SPECIAL THANKS for: Clara Amalia & Andina Satya. Without you two, I dunno what should I do in this s(u)c(k)hool. You two are my reason why I keep learning.

So, merci for all of this memories. X-D will never repleace. One for Thirtynine and Thirtynine for One!
Je t'aime X-D ‹з

With lot of ♥,
Anandina Swastika Dewi

Friday, May 6, 2011


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