Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Little Words Before Turning Eight(teen)

Well 你们好! In a few hours I'll turn to eight(teen) lol it must be hard to believe you see me in a real life because I'm too cute and tiny and fragile (what?) to be eight(teen).
Any wishes this year? not really.
Just hoping I'll survive in college, I'll pass Chinese Language I, makes my Mom and Dad more proud of me, and something like that. Oh yea maybe I still want barbie Kelly as a present, yippie.
Since I know my beloved dwarfies kinda busy rite now, it's okay if they can't come to celebrate this year, but still hoping they'll come as usual, I miss them so muchie :_)
What elseeeeeeeee............
Hoping exo come? impossible. But I hope I'll meet them, soon.
Okay, maybe thats all, since its just 'a little words before turning that so called old', bye bye~
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