最近我很很很忙,我也有病了T-T so for some days I can't attend some classes, and afternoon classes bcs I too weak huhuhu. Well, as you know being a college student was not easy, I repeat again, NOT EASY AT ALL, but as long as you enjoyed it, it will be fun somehow. Anyway, nowadays I kinda sick of 中文,为什么?日子越来越不好过 :'D Well yeah I choose this major by ma' self but I can get bored too, right? anyway pardon my bad Chinese, still learning tho'
I keep holding on bcs of my parents of course, and my passion in learning foreign language, and lastlyyyyyyyyy to speak with this lovely 哥哥!!! 今天是他的生日!祝你生日快乐哥, 我真的真的爱你!!! (ignore Chanyeol's handsomeness on the back pls)
Hoping him all the greatest yuhu <3 p="">
And then I started missing my dwarfies muchie muchie muchie, our friendship is too precious then I won't get bored talking about them so pls don't mind, kay? ;)
And I missed my chiks, my super girls, the tiniest yet strongest xD huhuhu we don't chat that much again idk why, they're all busy I guess.
Well... actually I want to talk much things before but then once I started writting then I strarted to lose my ideas, so.......... this is the end of my rarely post huehe 再见!