Friday, September 18, 2015

A Deepest Wish

Taken by me on 20th August 2015, I'm on my way to home after a week in different country.

But the point is, it's about flying above the clouds, the sea of clouds.

I love being up here, to see nothing but all of those fluffy stuffs.

Up here I feel like I don't need to think about anything except how wonderful is this world, how blessed I am that I still alive to see this big things from up there.

I feel free like a little bird in its first time to flying, like how the first time Wendy Darling and her little brothers taken by Peter Pan and Tinkerbell to Neverland.


I think I wrote about this before.

My deepest wish, right from the deepest of my heart:

"Peter, take me to Neverland."

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Child and the Fairies

The woods are full of fairies!

The trees are all alive,

The river overflows with them,

See how they dip and dive!

What funny little fellows!

What dainty little dears!

They dance and leap, and prance and peep,

And utter fairy cheers!

I'd like to tame a fairy,

To keep it on a shelf,

To see it wash its little face,

And dress its little self.

I'd teach it pretty manners,

It always should say "Please";

And then you know I'd make it sew,

And curtsy with it knees!

Author Unknown

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

I dream about painting and then I paint my dream






Yes I'm that happy because finally months without assignments, home works and another Chinese thinggy. And what made me so darn happy is the fact that I passed Chinese Language 4 class, YES I PASSED THAT CLASS. You just don't know how much I struggle (again) (always) (forever) (until the end of Chinese Language 6) yes I wasted another gallons of tears again, another complaining words blablabla, but then there's always friends that keep me strong, helped me a lot, like A LOT. Whether they're in the same class as me or not, I'm really thankful and feels so blessed :') Love you guys, whoever helped me passed this term.

And well, you know that I have that strange passion with magical creatures, but since the college days are pretty hard I rarely reading those books anymore, because books are kinda my escape from all shitty things so sometimes I'm can get a 'little bit' cranky if I get too much pressure, I tried to find another activity that can distract me from throwing tantrums to anyone, so here I find out that I still have an interest with sketching / painting / drawing / doodling or whatever you call it. Of course I'm not an expert, and I found my self not creative enough so, when I found something pretty and easy to draw from weheartit or pinterest and I just tried to copied it, just like that to keep my self calm. If I get bored in class I always draw random things on my paper, I left all my college matters in dorm so I can't show you what did I done to my poor papers lol. Recently I'm interested in water color painting (since what's left in my home only water color painting and kinda saving up my money for another plans so I can't waste my money for acrylic & canvas), in youtube I found bunch of interesting tutorials, I tried to follow it and it's pretty fun, so it's not really my idea I just copied it but I painted it my self even the result is not that good but it's fun to play with colors.

Here I'll show you some of my recent sketches and paintings!

Here's my current sketch book that you can easily find in local bookstores, oh and you can buy the refill too! I know it's sketch books that should be for sketching only but I using it for my water color painting too, it's kinda hard? I guess to find water color paper in here and maybe kinda pricey so I stuck with this, and for a beginner like me that only painting for fun is not that bad. And I bought the small one so I can carry it anywhere (but in the and it only stays in my room)

Here's my favorite sketch! Actually I also sketched a pretty little flower fairy but I kinda ruined it once I tried to coloring it :( but you can find that sketch in my instagram bcs I posted it before I ruined it lol

I copied this from pinterest if I'm not mistaken

I tried to follow a tutorial on youtube so here's the result that looks like a monochrome painting

This one is suppose to be a starry night sky................... but I don't know maybe I can't follow the tutorial correctly...... and the mountains and trees are so failed hhhhhhhh

Because it's summer so I painted sunflower (?) hahaha actually I found sunflower is interesting to paint, but I'm not really good with shadows in the petals, but this is what I painted so I like it. Do you think I nailed it? 

And here's the recent things that I painted, a water lily. As I said I'm not that good with coloring the petals but I tried and here it goes, what do you think? :)

 That's my recent hobby that I do, and since it's summer holiday so I also reading my books again. Painting. Reading. Painting. And reading again. Better spending my time for my favorite things before college starts again.
Well, until my next post!

Love, Nach.

Friday, May 8, 2015

那,我忘了老师还说什么, something like:


Friday, April 3, 2015

This one I quoted from the bitter sweet movie, "Love, Rosie"

From me, to you out there, wherever you are :)

"Sometimes you don't see that the best thing that's ever happened to you is sitting there right under your nose. But that's fine too, it really is. Because I've realized that..... no matter where you are, or what you're doing, or who you're with, I will always, honestly, truly and completely, love you."

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The First Three Weeks


Well hello everyone!
It's already the third week since college starts, and it was WOW. Super hectic.
Since my Chinese Language 4 lecturer for structure and reading is kinda 'da bomb', everyweeks til' the time comes to the end will be super hectic and tiring, I know. 加油.

First week of college, I don't really remember actually, just plainly studying, eating and sometimes having fun laughing in everything when we're super tired. Hahahaha. Student problem ya' know. Heum yea we're still kinda relaxed since it's only the first week, but don't hope too much for Chinese Language 4, since the first time we're entering the class, the assignments already waiting :') pretty tough.
Second week, well yeah second week........ it's only the second week but.......... I felt it like it's already near to final exam because of Chinese Language 4 assignments is coming faster than light...... seriously.... It's pretty tiring.
So this is the weekend of third week, I feels pretty tired. Next monday and tuesday I have Chinese Language 4 test 1 (besides the daily test in class, there's another test too). 有时候。。。不。。。我常常觉得太累了,不想再学习。但是现在我已经在这儿。我也不想我爸爸妈妈失望。Better keep fighting and trying :')

Btw, this is my new best friend, since my current BC4 lecturer is obsessed(?) asking us to do some analysis for every sentences that we find in books.

A little present from Korean classmates wkwkw

And, a little sneak peak for my working desk in dorm HAHAHA I know it's a big mess. I even put my nutella in this desk too :'D

Sunday, February 1, 2015

What I miss The Most







Last Monday when I hang around with my dwarfies we just found out that we (me, Fani, Zack,and Cici too I guess) like watching them, well since all dwarfies is taekwondo members (not anymore except Fani), when all of us watching K-Tigers videos............................................

"What the hell we did when we were practicing the last few years ago???!!!"

Why don't we moves like them......
All the kicks and moves are beautiful ;-;
If I can turn back time, I'll tell sabeum to teach us properly so we become like them.
Well, and I miss fighting in the arena, the arena, the screams, the thrill...........

Oh, here's a little piece of memories from a few years ago with Meyo.
(pardon the animal faces bcs well we both maybe not that good looking after all the fights)

Friday, January 23, 2015

Holiday Haul

Hello again everyone.
Since it's holiday timeeeee (round of applause), let me share some things in that I did the past few weeks, yippie. And I'll show you a very recommended kdrama (as usual, me and my kdramas things).

1. New Year, New Hair.

I don't know? 
It's been a habit lately since I entered college, the end of the term means cut my hair.
I like to keep my hair short (since it wont grow longer than my shoulder anyway), I'm not the type that treat my hair often, so it's better if it keep this short. Pardon the pimples on my forehead btw hehehehe.

2. Books

You can't keep me away from good books.
Holday means bunch of free times, bunch of free times means me & my books time!
So these two is the last two that I bought, but I haven't finished reading Angelfall bcs I'm too preoccupied by games lately.

3. Games!

Actually, Everysing is a karaoke thinggy, well it's pretty fun to have karaoke machine in your phone and you can carry it everywhere, especially when you're in a badmood.

And it shows your score too! (I only captured the highest scoreof course)

Oh I never get enough with this one hahaha.
My part of childhood remain in this game. I started play this game when I understand english just a very tiny bit.

Who can say no to The Sims? :)))))))

4. KDrama

It's just the 2 episodes but the story is going pretty well, or should I say too well because I cried earlier because of this drama. Really. You should watch and see.

Ugh college starts in 3 weeks.

Friday, January 9, 2015

I have learned that if you are down, stay down.
Don't get back on your feet until you are prepared to stand.
Don't get up until you learned why you fell.
Nine times out of ten, it is because you were weighing down on someone who could no longer hold you.
You gave someone your power. You forgot about yourself.
Let me tell you something.
The is one person there for you. One Person.
It's the same person who brushes your teeth and tends to your wounds and gets your crying ass out of the shower. The same one that tucks you into bed and cradles you in the night and fights off the darkness and embraces the light.
It's you.
It's always been you.
Don't get off that fucking ground because you see somebody you know or somebody you want to know, or somebody you can rely on.
Wipe your fucking face and get up for you. Because you can. Because it's the least of what you owe yourself.

Well, I needed someone to say this to me, so I said it to myself.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Happy New Year!

去年我觉得。。。。。。。 怎么说呢?chaos? good? 我不能形容啊。

Just a bigbro - lilsist bonding time, because we almost have no time? since our distance is pretty far.
We went to ate or just watching movies or just driving along the small yet beauty city. He gave me lots of stories about his college and works too. Really. My superb big bro. Before my flight to home he told me, it's ok if once a while to leave your comfort zone, and see the result.
After that, I tried the dorming life, with the helps of my friend of course.

Now I passed the hardship, in 2015 I know another obstacles awaits. 
I'm getting ready now.
For a new journey, new stories.

With Love,

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