Well hello......
It's been a week, or two three four? since I'm officially got my Bachelor of Humanities degree, and also officially jobless. Yeah. So what did I do nowadays? basically nothing but being a maid at home, not that I'm complaining tho, but sometimes yeah. But, that's not I wanna talk about in this post. This time I want to recall all my University memories, and of course, the people that I treasures.
At first, being accepted in the most prestigious Uni is a big honor, really, but you also carry this unseen burden in your heart when everything gets really difficult. Your lecturers in your major demand you a high standard for basically everything. But when I look at my friends in different major they looks..... happy? well maybe not that happy but surely happier than I am.
I remember it clearly, it was my second year in Uni when I felt like......"No, I can't do this anymore." Yes I'm really in the edge of giving up, but then my friends always remind me to take it slowly and I can do this, that they will help me, that they also struggling, that
WE will get off this together. And yes you can see, we finally made it out, through our laugh and cries, our sleepless nights.
Here I learned a lot about the value of friends. How we supported each others, reminding each other to study hard, to eat, to not forget how hard you studied you also need some rest.
I dedicated this post to you all, whom made my University life so lively, whom stay with me no matter how crybaby, how childish, how..... well you guys knows how I am.

Dear my momma chick and my super priti princess potato, thank you for being a super fun and supportive 'Kosan' companion. I remember how we will always go to Mandu's place to study 听力 with our 'Buku Sakti', ordering pizzas and stuffs. Stays in your place when it's too hot because me and momma chick doesn't have an Air Conditioner in our room, and many more. And there's many more memories which I can't mention one by one :") AND my super momma chick, you're basically my life safer, my guardian, my second mom that always remind me to eat, to study, and pull me out to eat again. My final papers wouldn't be started early if you don't force me to stay in Kosan when we're still in holiday and you bribe me with milk tea if I accompany you. Your bribe leads me to my graduation lol, you're really my personal adviser slash supporter since you know all my stories, always listen & give me lots and lots encouragement, and even cry with me :')
You both always have my blessing every steps you take guys.
The rest of my kosan mates, minus le momma chick. I think we're too distracted to get a proper picture on our graduation day, so yeah this is the recent picture of us.
But the four of us get to take this one since Thara's graduation ceremony is on a different day from us. And now she's currently got a scholarship in Shanghai huhu. I miss chu, Thar.
My kosan mates are my study companion, eat companion, hangout buddies, and a lot more. I'll miss our random talks, gibah-ing, random mcd or kfc delivery at night, or even escaping from kosan at 9PM if Siti bring her car over and tell the security that we're going to come back late bcs we're gonna visit a sick friend, but the truth is we're going to Mc Donald's and stay there until 1 AM. We're sorry not sorry, sir.

Another life saver, my super lovely Unyil, lol no her name is Oxye and yes we call each other Unyil since we're both small. She's just like momma chick, a good listener and adviser, and you can't even imagine how strong is she, mentally I mean. I don't have a picture with only the two of us either in our grads since it was REALLY hectic. But luckily I came to her thesis defense before and yeah, my super lovely Unyil did her best! I believe she's happily strolling around Beijing right now since she got a scholarship there, enjoy your stay there Nyil, study hard but guess what? you should play more hard, since you're in Beijing! Can't wait to hear you stories, Nyil!

Pardon the bad quality of the picture because????? I don't even know. Here goes my die or die partner. Our friendship starts since the beginning of Uni life, since I still don't have any friends that time well I talked to her because she had EXO's pictures on her notebook's cover so I think we might be clicked. I'm sorry, fangirl mode: on. We ended up really clicked tho, even her personality might be different than mine but???? who cares lol. My dear Tifani, thank you for being my die to die partner, yes we die literally when we know that we didn't passed Chinese Classic 1 class, we're in a different class that time. And we had to try again next year, got a same class, we passed it, made it to Chinese Classic 2, but we're in a different class, but then I used to go study in her class too since my class's lecturer is a super busy bee, and we made it. What a long narration. How many class again that we attended together? from Germany class, Italian class, and many more I think. And thank you for always be there to opened my water bottle since I'm a weakly duckling.

The most sassy award of my Uni life goes to this gurl. She's sassy for a reason tho, but it's just a joke lol. But really, she's the super smarty one you'll never know until suddenly she won something and another winning and goes to another. Just when did you did such a thing, Suw? you got my respect lol. Oh one day she asked to meet me and gave me a bread that she stick with a baby chick stickers that she made herself, what a random and sweet gift :'D

Another awesome persons that I met in Uni, dear my Sarce whom her room is only walks away from my room, and whom I currently talk to about fangirl thinggy since we got no job and nothing to do lol. Since we made it to the end, we should take things slowly, Sar :') as what Mandu always told me, take your time to find a nice and good job so that we enjoy it every time we do it. So...... it's okay, Sar, we're in the same boat (now we go back to our laptops and watch Criminal Minds). And to the other person ......... deuh Kak Gadai lagi. wkwkwkwk. one of my seniors that I'm comfortable with. I believe sooner or later you'll read this Kak, and if you read, just.... keep quiet and don't even tell me that you already read this WKWKWKWKW. What should I tell about her then.... well she's cool (es batu kalik), she's nice.... but not that nice if I talk about my precious Kim Jongin to her. Even I kind of her if she talks about Blackpink :( just why? well she's the typical of receh but well sometimes its funny I couldn't blame. So yeah she's patient enough tho to befriend with me since I nags so much and a super baby that want this and that, thank you Kak! Hopefully we got that scholarship next year and pokoknya ke Tibet ya pas liburan!
And there are a lot more people that helped me the past 4 years, and I can't mention them and their kindness one by one. Like I always say, I am really, really nothing without you and your help guys. You guys really means A LOT!
And here goes few more pictures from graduation day!