Wednesday, August 25, 2010

For Dinda Agithawuri Widyakinanti


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Disney Words

I'm on the front page! Don't I look so cute when I'm scared? –Lilly Trustcott (Hannah Montana) #disneywords

There’s something very familiar about those eyes. –Boomer (The Fox and The Hound) #disneywords

Cogsworth: How could you do that? Beast: I had to. Cogsworth: Yes, but why? Beast: Because I love her. #disneywords

Well, when one's lost, I suppose it's good advice to stay where you are until someone finds you. –Alice in Wonderland #disneywords

You can laugh now, but some of those people back there were crying. –Blaster (G-Force) #disneywords

When you're the best of friends, sharing all that you discover. –Fox and the Hound #disneyquote

Well it's my favorite! Far off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise! –Belle (Beauty and the Beast) #disneyquote

All this has happened before, and it will all happen again. –Peterpan #disneyquote

If you make a wish on evening star, it's sure to come true! -Young Tiana (The Princess and The Frog) #disneyquote

I didn't come all this way just to see you quit. -Doc Hudson (Cars) #disneyquote

Being with you is my friendliest thing to do. –Pooh #disneyquote

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hem? What Title?

Hey readers!
How's life?
Im fineeee guys ;) (gada yang nanya)
Ohyea today is Monday for meh c: yeah sucha nice day~ not Mon(ster)day~
Hm than im not fasting today hoho yeah girl's problem everymonth ;p
Todaaaaay is a nice day at school.
I can do my Geographic exam as well, i do my best!
Eummm what else?
I met kakak mata sipit in the stairs afteri returned from physics laboratory and after school, when i came to take Milla & Baim i met prince charming as usual, he's so charming & famousss :( and i heard his friend said, "Huh u're always fasting...".
Iki gak kaya lo yang menyianyiakan pahala dibulan ramadhan ini yaaaaa xp *middle finger* kalo mau sesat gak usah ngajak prince charming gue bisa kali elah.

Terussss when im waitin' for the train wif trainschoolmate (apaini-_-) -> me, Milla, Gian, Wulan, Baim, Mola & Ojan (without Indra) we talked about open fasting together sumpah ini tolol banget ya kita omongin tempat mulai dari GI sampe Mall Citra ituloh yg di sebelah BT-____- goblokski emang ye awkw mana kan kereta ngelewatin dpn Mall Citra trs si Ojan bilang, "Kita nonton di Buaran Theater trs makannya di Mall Citra", HAHA elu aja gih sana gue mah ogah-____- haha gubluk bat Ojan wkwkw ganteng ganteng ternyata gituuuu (???) canda Jan v-_-v
Okay ini mau share aja saya pingin apa ya hohoho jangan tergiur ya yang lagi puasa~
Soup Tom Yam :9 i love this one!!! Ibu sering bikin ini unyuuu

bihun bakso :9 i do love meatball! kmrn gue udah makan bakso eh sekarang pingin lagi-_- maklum favorite food nih~

aduh pingin jcool-_- mau yg topingnya kitkat, oreo, kiwi, melon mochi AAAAAAAAA beliin dong T_T

sushiiiii unyuuuu i want sushiiii U.U mana ini si Meyo katanya janji mau traktir sushi elah awas ajanih putus sama Dicky sebelum traktir sushi!

cuma mau yang iniiii! pure milk chocolate yang gak ada isinya kan enaaak :9

pingin cobain ini deh-_- tapi masa pas gue liat harganya......... RP18.000,00 ANJIRRRRR gak fair!!!!!!! ini sih 10 menit juga udah abis elah masa mahal seh-_-

Hug & Kisses xoxo

Monday, August 16, 2010

Independence Day

Hello readers :D
Let's saying "Happy Birthday Indonesia" to my country!
And i made this one for Indonesia

hahaha ampun deh maaf ya jelek-_-
Tapi ini pertanda gue cinta Indonesia :)

Ohyaaaa tadi kan ada upacara bendera di sekolahkuuu. Pesertanya dari kecamatan sm siswa siswi kelas 10 serta staff dan guru. Hari ini kan puasa yaaaaa banyak banget yang tumbang, mukanya pada pucet-pucet gitu deh kasiannnn. Terus terus teruuuuus alhamdulillah banget tempat gue baris itu strategis buat ngeliatin Iki fufufuf (as usual)
Ya ampunnnn Iki kuwl sekali loh ahaha aura Prince Charmingnya terpancar banget .
Sepanjang upacara tuh gue ngeliatin dia mulu, berharap di liatin balik (?) sambil mikir................. kok ada sih anak segini charmingnya.... ganteng iya, imut iya, keren iya, kaya juga iya-_- TAPIIIIIIII gue suka Iki bukan karena dia kaya loh! Gue bukan cewe matre yauu~
Gue heboh banget deh wkw gak percaya? ask Lala!!!!!! Clara Amalia X-D yaaa (?)
Pas upacara lagi sesi apa gitu ya (ketauan gak merhatiin upacara malah merhatiin siapa gitu ew itulah prince charming *apasi-_-*) gue lagi ngeliatin dia kan *everytime* EH tau gak sih dia ngapain????????????????? hemmmm? kasi tau gak ya?.......... HAHA canda readers ;p dia lagi gerakin tangan sok sok main drum gitu awwww>< COOL BANGET! tau deh yang drummer~ hahahah
Pas pulang kan gue bareng temen-temen yang biasa hoho naik kereta lah tentunya, kereta AC ekonomi yg harga tiketnya Rp4.500,00 (gak penting) terus cerita-cerita sama Gian kan soal Iki, Gian bilang si Iki banyak yang suka T_T okay gpp emang aura prince charmingnya kuat banget sih wajar-wajar saja kok kalo banyak yang suka and it means saingan gue banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak banget coy!-_-
Yasudlah mau gimana lagi? emang susah merebut hati prince charming yang sudah punya princess ditambah banyak saingan lagi=_=" gue kan warrior (bukan sepatu) wakakakak mana ada gitu ya cerita prince charming jatuh cinta dengan warrior-_- suonds so weird kan? wk
Udah ah ceritanya cape ngantuk laper haha bye readers!

Hug & Kisses

Tuesday, August 10, 2010



New crush in my life.
Someone i've ever met in the past.
Someone who shouldn't found again.
If i didn't become a 31 SHS's student, i don't have to like him again.
If i didn't become ur classmate in Orientation School Period, i don't need to know everything 'bout ur self.
If i didn't saw you, i don't have to feel lose in at the beginning of the story.
Yeah................ i've already lose at my new story :(
I don't give up so soon, like this, in my last story..
I hate my new story!!!!!!!
I was just three weeks in this story but, i already feel defeated. Very lose. Very stupid.
Iki is popular.
Iki's friends is popular.
Iki always surrounded by popular people.
Iki is different wif me.
My friends is just usual people, not too popular as Iki's friends.
I hate this fact.
The fact that i can't be Iki's friend.
The fact that Iki is popular.
The fact that im in love wif Iki for the second time.
I need my old story.
I hate my new story. I hate the popular people who made me can't making a friendship wif Iki.
I really want my old story.
In my old story, i was surrounded by nice people. There're dwarfs who always beside me. There're 9-4's member who always made me laugh. There're my taekwondo's club who made me feel verys comfortable. But now, they're gone. I need them back.
And about my crush, Hachigoro still #1 for me :( but i started to not like him when i want to still like him :(( snif snif..
I was so stupid to like Iki.
I guess i don't deserve to like a handsome and popular boy likes Iki :(
I feels like Jan Di who hopeing Jun Pyo is a usual boy, not the heir of the Shin Wa group-_-
I hope that Iki is a ordinary boy, not a popular boy.
Should i give up so soon?
Should i give up?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Bored At Class

Yo readers!!!!! :D
Tadi hari terakhir sekolah sebelum libur awal puasa ehehe
Terus tadi ada rapat orang tua murid jadi ada beberapa guru yang gak masuk kelas gue (YYYY)
Jadi jadi jadiiii pas pelajaran apa gitu gue lupa wk gue foto-foto aja gitu sama, here:

wth my chairmate, Lala. we're Senior High School student with elementary faces wk~

wth Afilsa & Lala c:

Ohya baru-baru ini gue baru tau kalo Hachigoro punya twitter wkwkwkwkw trs udah gue follow dan udh dia follow back, hik hik dari dulu Hachigoro amang baikkkkk :') maygot still can't forget youuuuu>< (skip)
Tadi gue mention dia unyuuuu terus dia bales wekekeke

maaf ya ada yang gue coret-coret kan aku ini menambahkan nilai seninya (?)

Hug & Kisses

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Yo Readers!!

Thanks God it's weekend :D
Akhirnya setelah seminggu yang padat ke sekolah, hari ini bisa istirahat jugaa :')
Being Senioh High School student is killing me softly-_-
Bererangkat dari rumah jam 5 lewat 15, nyampe rumah bisa jam 4 ato 5 kurang lah, mana kemaren ke veldroem gue baru nyampe rumah jam 6 lewat 40 menit gitu-_- bikin cepet mati ye_-_
Banyak tugas numpuk dari guru sampe gue bingung mau ngerjain yang mana duluan.
Terus ditambah kepikiran si itu tuh ngh sama anak gaul tuh ewh~
Tau ah bodo amat kesel gua sama si anak gaul.
Mau menikmati weekend dulu lah yakk~
Ohya tadi gue baru liat video clip iniiii:

Cody Simpson ft FloRida-Iyiyi :3
Cute bangeeeet ya Codynya>< Melting deh akyuuu~ Dia seumuran Greyson Chance lohhh tapi dia keliatan lebih dewasa ya hemh tapi tetep aja cutenya keliataaaaan!!

Tuhhh tuhhhh cute kannn?

Hug & Kisses

Friday, August 6, 2010

Zackry Audric

Hey Reader!

Kenapa? Bingung sama nama di title?
Wk hari ini sahabat gue yang bernama Zackry Audric itu berjasa sekali loh ahahah.
Kan gini, hari ini gue ke veldroem kan terus pas di jalan ketemu Tiwi, Syaifa, Rintis, dll mereka kan anak 12 wuhuw~ teruuuus ketemu Anit, Tasha, Imas sm Lala di dkt pintu masuk, terus ketemu Zackry!!!!!!
Terus lari muterin vldrm 2 kali kan gue dengan keselnya soalnya si itu tuh berangkat bareng si itu!!!!!!!!! njir envy!!!! tau deh yang anak gaul mah beda.
Yaudah lah gue muterin vldrm rada kesel gitu bareng Lala sm Esty eh si Lala mah girang depannya ada ......... lah gue juga girang belakang gue ada ....... (?)
Yak biar kesel yang penting ganteng yakan (???)
Pas pulang kan gue nungguin Zackry dulu soalnya biar gue ada temen pulang ilah gue gatau pulang naik apa parah-_- gue duduk di tribunkan sendirian HAHA bocah ilang bgt lah ada Iki dari tadi bolak-balik duduk gak jauh dari gue, gue pikir ini anak mau ngomong ke gue biar gak ngeliatin dia mulu lah rupanya dia nunggu cewenya........ _-_ hahahanjir selbat guaaaa><
Gak lama kemudian Hakim dateng wk kawan meteoritnya Zackry udah gak botak lagi AHAHAHA peace Kim!! Yaudah gue sapa Hakim lah hem sebenernya pingin di liatin Iki sih (?) tau deh dia liat apa enggak. Terus Zackry dateeeeng. Gue sok heboh gitu ke Zackry yak tujuannya sudah jelas untuk menarik perhatian Prince Charming (-_-) tau deh dia liat apa enggak HAHAHAHA kesel guaaaa oyyyy!!!!


Ini kenapa jadi ceritain Iki?
Titlenya aja Zackry....
Bodo lah~

Yaudah lanjut masih rada bete gue balik bareng Zackry, Indra, Amirul dan teman-temannya di 12. Trs cerita-ceriti lah sm Zackry. Blablablabla pokoknya berjasa banget dia hari ini, tanpa dia di vldrm gue bingung kali pulang naik apa ahaha
Hari selasa kemaren jg gue ke 199 mau ngambil sertifikat sabuk merah minta tungguin Zackry, gue minta ajarin Fisika. Dia sampe telat les gara-gara ngajarin gue loh wkwkwkw gilaaaa minggu ini dia berjasa banget lah!

Thanks Zackry! :D
U're my best bestfriend!!!
Bukan berarti yang lain bukan my bestfriend loh!! U're my best too dwarfs ;) alwaysss

Hug & Kisses

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Just 'Bout Today~

Hey readers :D

Tanggal berapa sekarang? 4 Agustus 2010. Ada apa dengan tanggal itu????

I wanna watch this movie with my bestieeeees :3
Ohyea do u know who's play as Aang?

Name: Noah Andrew Ringer
Known As: Noah Ringer
Born: Dallas, Texax 18 November 1996

Just so you know, he's my senior in Taekwondo!!
He got his black belt when he was 12yrs old :o *applause*
Im still red belt-_-v
For other information about Noah click here

And today my classmate, Madi & Andina celebrating their birthday!!
Happy Birthday guys \^o^/
And in Deutch class, we singing "Happy Birthday" in Deutch languange to them!

Zum Geburstag

Zum Geburstag viel Glück 2x

Zum Geburstag

Liebe Dina (not meee, but Andina!) & Lieber Madi

Zum Geburstag viel Glück

It was funnn! Singing in Deutch language c:
Terus teruus hari ini aku gak ketemu Iki sama sekaliiiiii!
Galau sekali.
Ngeliat cuma pas pulang sekolah, gue keluar kelas, dia lewat depan kelas gue kan terus terus gue cuma liat punggung dan tasnya T_T
Ya Allah.
Padahal pas istirahat kedua udah gue bela-belain naik turun anak tangga 60 biji yaaa siapa tau bisa ketemu kaya kemaren dan rupanya tidakkkkkk ketemu!!
Wk yasudahlah yaa biarkan saja ;p

Hug & Kisses

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Friendship Day!

YEAY! Happy Friendship Day readers :D
I love youuuu all readers!
I love my friends!
I love 7-3, 8-4, & 9-4!
I love 199's people :D
I love my Elementary's friends :D
I love 31 SHS's friends!
I love X-D :')

Thanks all for being my friends :3
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