Monday, August 27, 2012

Last Day (of Eid's Holiday)

Yeah, I'm in the edge of holiday already. Just did nothing besides stayed at home, no problemo, I need extra energy before school start. Senior year will be hard. Spend today with do some homeworks. Deutsch with partizip II things really drive me crazy. And from the first pict above, that's darn English thinggy. I have to cut every word(s) and I need to use moi superb dictionary. While I do my homeworkie, Need You Now's playin on repeat, sucha nice song.
Well, enjoy your last holiday pal! and, happy back to school! :P

Friday, August 17, 2012


"In your heart of hearts you don't want to see that happen.",
"No. But sometimes I wish he'd learn a lesson and shape up.",
"Sometimes that's all it takes. But sometimes the road is much longer. Zoe, you have to be patient. Have faith.",
"How can I have faith in him when he's not trying?",
"Do you know he's not trying?",
"He's not changing, is he?",
"Zoe.", He stepped closer and though he didn't touch me, his nearness swiped away my anger, "Change isn't as easy as snapping your finger.",
"It's easy if you just decide to do something. Come on Matthias, everybody's got their turning point, their rock bottom or whatever you want to call it."
"And for everyone it's different. If we all learned the lesson the first time around the track, there'd be no need for a stadium, for coaches, for cheerleaders, for those people who maintain the field so we can pick ourselves up and try again."

Heavenly by Jennifer Laurens

Friday, August 3, 2012

Why I Love Ash From The Iron Fey Series

Why I love Ash? Ash is a perfection human ehm I mean, fairy being. The way you describe him is perfection, like I can see what Meghan see. Not only I can see what Meghan see, but also I can feels what she feels towards Ash. He’s a dark prince but once you know well about him, you’ll fall hard for him, and that’s why I love him. I love him like the way Meghan did. His words to Meghan maybe a sword at first, but lately only his words that melted her heart (besides Puck of course).
Here’s one of my favorite line, “I will always be your knight, Meghan Chase,”, oh God YES ASH YOU’LL ALWAYS BE MY KNIGHT><, “And I swear, if there’s a way for us to be together, I will find it. No matter how long it takes. If I have to chase your soul to the ends of enternity, I won’t stop until I find you, I promise.”, that’s it, Ash, well done, beautiful words, I’m totally yours.
So all I can say about Ash is perfection, no other words. Julie Kagawa, you made a perfect character than any other writers. I hope someday I can be an amazing writer like you :’D

Anyway, I would like it if Skandar Keynes can be Prince Ash. The way you describe Ash's gaze in the story really fits Skandar well. Skandar have that kind of Ice Prince aura, right?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Seketika hal itu muncul kembali kedalam pikiran saya. Growing up. Ya, saya tau saya sudah berada di tahun terakhir di sekolah menengah akhir ini.Saya tau sudah saatnya saya bersikap lebih dewasa, terlebih lagi saya anak pertama dalam keluarga. Memang saya belum menapaki usia 17 tahun, tapi sudah saatnya saya berfikir untuk masa mendatang seperti perguruan tinggi dan pekerjaan. Sebagian kecil diri saya memang sudah dewasa, namun sebagian besar jiwa saya menolak hal tersebut. Kenapa? Banyak alasan yang tersimpan. Saya masih ingin bermain, bersenang-senang, saya masih belum siap jika saya mendapat universitas yang memungkinkan saya untuk jauh dari orang tua, saya masih sering bergantung kepada orang lain, dan saya belum mau jika harus berpisah jauh dan jarang bertemu dengan sahabat-sahabat saya. Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi alasan penolakan kedewasaan ini, namun intinya saya belum mau dewasa. Saya ingin kembali ke masa sekolah menengah pertama dimana yang ada dalam pikiran saya hanya belajar, bersenang-senang, membuat karya, latihan, dan berkumpul bersama sahabat-sahabat saya. Saya ingin kemampuan yang kini terkikis kembali lagi, kemampuan saya dalam memaparkan kalimat-kalimat menjadi sebuah buku yang masih belum terselesaikan, kemampuan untuk memnayangkan apa yang akan saya tulis untuk karya saya, dan yang paling penting, semangat yang menggebu-gebu untuk menerbitkan karya tersebut dan membuatnya sukses sampai ke negara lain. Kemampuan dan semangat saya menipis seiring dengan pengetahuan saya bahwa hidup itu tidak mudah, meraih impian itu tidaklah mudah. Melakukan hal-hal tersebut tidaklah semudah kata0kata yang telah saya ucapkan dan saya bayangkan.
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