L - R: Mia, Me, Lala, Ayu, Mirza.
Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny, and a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over. - Octavia Butler
See the happy faces? That's me and my girls, call us Chikiball or Chiks. We're not a gang or whatever like that, we're just petite girls that met in our second year in High School, yep we're all classmates.
We may looks tiny, fragile, easily broken or whatever. But don't ever think that way. They're the strongest girls I've ever met. Don't look down on us because we may step farther than you guys! hehehehe amen.
First of all, my very first friend in High School. No one from my Junior High come to my High School besides me, so I'm totally a.l.o.n.e and it wasn't a good starts really. But this sweet-and-smaller-than-me came to me all kindly and friendly and ask me to be her seatmates and that's the beginning of our friendship. She's my partner in The Lord of The Ring and Taylor Swift thinggy, we both hate math and likes english better, we took deutsch and france course together, trying to explore another language, our passion. Now she's majoring English Literature in Univesity of Jakarta. And by the way, she's my seatmate for 3 years :')

My mbul, she's my mbul. My London and europe partner. She likes basketball and stuff like that. She and her twins is the coolest girls, ever. She did things what she think, if it's going to be rude then let it be, so brave yet so lovely if you really close to her. Even tho' her college is far away from me, she still came all the way to my house last year to gave me a surprise on my birthday, and of course I cried. How sweet is that? :') She's majoring Communication in Brawijaya University.
Our Rihanna! hehehe. She's cute, sweet, adorable, and smart in deutsch! Her A1 test is the highest that time and she got a chance to went to summer course in Germany! She's "idaman para bule" kind of girl, so Indonesian and sweet. Majoring Russian in Padjajaran University but she'll be leaving for Germany really soon for good, because actually her dream is not in here, It's out there, waiting for her. So proud of you Ja :') another step closer to your dreams, keep chasing it!

The last, our little sissy, sister from another mother, my partner in crime, my enemy, my all time chingu. She may looks all pretty and innocent BUT yes I'm using capslock to type 'but' because she's really far from that!!!!! muahaha!!! really she's like another me? but even worse wkwkwkwk just kidding Mi! She's actually really smart, but Allah really loves her so Allah wants her to fight more harder to go to college, and now what a good news I got yesterday, she's accepted in University of Jakarta majoring Indonesian Literature! Congrats sissy! this is the beginning of all your dreams, Allah loves you me loves you!
As I said, this is just the beginning of all our dreams. Slowly we approaching it, but sure. Mirza just took another big step for hers, Mia just arrived in the starts line, me, Lala and Ayu still walking happily. Who says that we're just bunch of kids that only having fun? Yes of course we want to have fun, but we know the reality that this world is hard, we need to survive no matter what with our skills.
Later in the future, we still can meet up again happily, ready to face the world, and then................... have another fun!