Saturday, December 29, 2012
Good Bye 2012
Hella fellas! Sorry I haven't post something lately, you know how busy senior year in high school right?
Well, I've been busy with exams and try out and tasks for my final scores. And I'll be more busy next year, but I'll try to find time to write something in here kkk~
2012, there's many memories left in this year. Whether it bad or good memories. The bad one is.......... SMTown INA lol sorry I just in loveeeeee with EXO boys idk why hiks they lighting my world :'') So, one of my 2013 wish is... I can meet them in person, rumour said that they'll held a showcase in here next year, amen. I already saving up my money for them, I dont wanna regret it. I'm trying pretty hard to keep my money save bcs my needs to buy novels and the one that I want is not that cheap hikseu :'' OK just wishing that I'll meet EXO boys for real. See ya soon Luhan ge, Kris ge, Kai oppa, Jongdae oppa and the rest of EXO!
Another wish is got accepted in University of Indonesia, ameeeeeeen, or maybe I'll study aboard, somewhere in Australia or London, maybe?
The other wish is............ meet Kwangmin lol ok I'm so into korean boys these days-_- not only Kwangmin and EXO boys, I wish I can meet Chunji, Daehyun and Sungjae for real kkkkkkkkkk fangirl wishes mode on X)
Ok thats some of my wishes, see ya 2012!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
I'm Legal!
So, last sunday is my birthday xixixixi 17 finally!!!!!
Nah, 17 doesn't make me old. Really. 17 is just a number, ayt?
Well, SELECTO girls came to my house and of course my beloved dwarfs too.
Im enjoying my birthday with special people.
I got cake and rose from dwarfs. My friends envied me bcs even I don't have a boyfriend I could get a rose, thankies to bestfriends *hugs*
And the present that I love the most is............................................
Friday, November 2, 2012
2nd Nov 2012
"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do."― Robert A. Heilein
"Lock up your libraries if you like, but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind." ― Virginia Woolf
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Yuhuuuu~ I'll turn to 17 few days again, I'm legal, fyi kekekeke~
Jadiii, ini wishlist for the 17 me. Gak muluk-muluk kok tapi.............. bohong :p cuma sekedar what I want and what I need right now, here they are:
And lastlyyyyyyy,
Jadiii, ini wishlist for the 17 me. Gak muluk-muluk kok tapi.............. bohong :p cuma sekedar what I want and what I need right now, here they are:
Toshiba Satellite M840, Blue Horizon
My.own.laptop. Kasihan nih tidak punya laptop sendiri, adanya satu dipake bareng-bareng, hupt. I want this amazing Toshiba product for myself only. Actually, mau yang pink blush juga, but too girly :p
Iron Fey; Book 4 & Extra Book
THIS BOOKS ME WANT SO BAD ;~; Sudah sempat mencarinya ke Kinokuniya tapi katanya habis...... jadinya mau nangis....... I wish I get this books on my birthday, it will be so precious :_)
Jansport Bag
I found these bags in Jansport web and omgaskdhgsfa gak keren kok tas-tanya, gak keren......
Barbie Kelly; Pet Party
Sampe sekarang masih pingin barbie kelly kok, masih banget.
Mau hoodie pikachu. Mau topi pikachu. Siapa tau pas lagi jalan-jalan pake hoodie pikachu trs ketemu Kwangmin dijalan trs dipeluk deh HAHAHAH ngayal dikit lah xp
Barbie Watch
Another barbie thing. Mau jam barbie. Pokoknya mau!!!!!!
SUPERBIIIIIIIIIG tiramisu cake, for myself, gak, gak boleh ada yang minta!
Barbie Backpack
This bag is pretty cool, it was barbie and fancy~
Mini Cooper
Mobil. Iya Naci mau mobil! Mini cooper ya! Pink putih biar kaya barbie.
And lastlyyyyyyy,
Ok. Are you sure you'll turn 17?-_- with that stupid wishes?
Ok whatever........
Friday, October 5, 2012
Hey there! It's friday already wuwuwuwuw~ How's yours? Mine is not so good hahah. I'm still the usual me, the hyper child in the first class but then something turned wrong in the next class, so yeah, tears dropped a little hafhafhaf then I'm in the pretty bad mood. OK. Just forget what happened before. I'm going to have fun tomorrow. I'll visit University of Indonesia, scanning my future campus hahahah aminnnn. I'll post some pict from that event later then.
Anyway, have you seen my class's mascot? IT IS CUTE. Wanna see?
This is Piyo, and XII - Language love Piyo <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
It was Chierly's actually, but now Piyo is ours hahahaha. Me and Chierly dressed it up in our extra class, since the class was super boring zzzzzz. And here is our stylish Piyoooooo~
Piyo using Chierly's ribbon. Cute, right?
Since today is friday, the moslem in my school should wear hijab, Piyo should wear one too. Idk why Piyo so frikin cute like me. It's ok just kidding lol
Well, this is for today and I'll post later about tomorrow's event in my future university hhhhhhh ciao~
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Stop spazzin. Haha. Pardone moi, I just so so so in love with EXO! Why? They just got their first award! EXO-M won the 'Best Group of The Year' award, I know, they just debuted moths ago but, BEST GROUP OF THE YEAR??????! Yeah, so pround of geges :') and EXO won 'Best Outfits' award, yay, my geges & oppas always gorgeous and handsome and cute and whatsoever hahahah.
The touchy moment is when EXO-M got their award, the leader is crying, WU FRIKIN YI FAN IS CRYIIIIIIING ;~;
I used to see the king fu panda Tao crying, but this dragon? omg. I felt lyk crying too.....
Not only Kris, Tao (no doubt-_-), Lay and my precious gege, Luhan are crying too.
Don't cry geges :') Keep make a history, ok? xxxx
Monday, August 27, 2012
Last Day (of Eid's Holiday)
Yeah, I'm in the edge of holiday already. Just did nothing besides stayed at home, no problemo, I need extra energy before school start. Senior year will be hard. Spend today with do some homeworks. Deutsch with partizip II things really drive me crazy. And from the first pict above, that's darn English thinggy. I have to cut every word(s) and I need to use moi superb dictionary. While I do my homeworkie, Need You Now's playin on repeat, sucha nice song.
Well, enjoy your last holiday pal! and,
Friday, August 17, 2012
"In your heart of hearts you don't want to see that happen.",
"No. But sometimes I wish he'd learn a lesson and shape up.",
"Sometimes that's all it takes. But sometimes the road is much longer. Zoe, you have to be patient. Have faith.",
"How can I have faith in him when he's not trying?",
"Do you know he's not trying?",
"He's not changing, is he?",
"Zoe.", He stepped closer and though he didn't touch me, his nearness swiped away my anger, "Change isn't as easy as snapping your finger.",
"It's easy if you just decide to do something. Come on Matthias, everybody's got their turning point, their rock bottom or whatever you want to call it."
"And for everyone it's different. If we all learned the lesson the first time around the track, there'd be no need for a stadium, for coaches, for cheerleaders, for those people who maintain the field so we can pick ourselves up and try again."
Heavenly by Jennifer Laurens
"No. But sometimes I wish he'd learn a lesson and shape up.",
"Sometimes that's all it takes. But sometimes the road is much longer. Zoe, you have to be patient. Have faith.",
"How can I have faith in him when he's not trying?",
"Do you know he's not trying?",
"He's not changing, is he?",
"Zoe.", He stepped closer and though he didn't touch me, his nearness swiped away my anger, "Change isn't as easy as snapping your finger.",
"It's easy if you just decide to do something. Come on Matthias, everybody's got their turning point, their rock bottom or whatever you want to call it."
"And for everyone it's different. If we all learned the lesson the first time around the track, there'd be no need for a stadium, for coaches, for cheerleaders, for those people who maintain the field so we can pick ourselves up and try again."
Heavenly by Jennifer Laurens
jennifer laurens,
Friday, August 3, 2012
Why I Love Ash From The Iron Fey Series
Why I love Ash? Ash is a perfection human ehm I mean,
fairy being. The way you describe him is perfection, like I can see what Meghan
see. Not only I can see what Meghan see, but also I can feels what she feels
towards Ash. He’s a dark prince but once you know well about him, you’ll fall
hard for him, and that’s why I love him. I love him like the way Meghan did.
His words to Meghan maybe a sword at first, but lately only his words that
melted her heart (besides Puck of course).
Here’s one of my favorite line, “I will always be your
knight, Meghan Chase,”, oh God YES ASH YOU’LL ALWAYS BE MY KNIGHT><, “And
I swear, if there’s a way for us to be together, I will find it. No matter how
long it takes. If I have to chase your soul to the ends of enternity, I won’t
stop until I find you, I promise.”, that’s it, Ash, well done, beautiful
words, I’m totally yours.
So all I can say about Ash is perfection, no other words.
Julie Kagawa, you made a perfect character than any other writers. I hope
someday I can be an amazing writer like you :’D
Anyway, I would like it if Skandar Keynes can be Prince Ash. The way you describe Ash's gaze in the story really fits Skandar well. Skandar have that kind of Ice Prince aura, right?
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Seketika hal itu muncul kembali kedalam pikiran saya. Growing up. Ya, saya tau saya sudah berada di tahun terakhir di sekolah menengah akhir ini.Saya tau sudah saatnya saya bersikap lebih dewasa, terlebih lagi saya anak pertama dalam keluarga. Memang saya belum menapaki usia 17 tahun, tapi sudah saatnya saya berfikir untuk masa mendatang seperti perguruan tinggi dan pekerjaan. Sebagian kecil diri saya memang sudah dewasa, namun sebagian besar jiwa saya menolak hal tersebut. Kenapa? Banyak alasan yang tersimpan. Saya masih ingin bermain, bersenang-senang, saya masih belum siap jika saya mendapat universitas yang memungkinkan saya untuk jauh dari orang tua, saya masih sering bergantung kepada orang lain, dan saya belum mau jika harus berpisah jauh dan jarang bertemu dengan sahabat-sahabat saya. Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi alasan penolakan kedewasaan ini, namun intinya saya belum mau dewasa. Saya ingin kembali ke masa sekolah menengah pertama dimana yang ada dalam pikiran saya hanya belajar, bersenang-senang, membuat karya, latihan, dan berkumpul bersama sahabat-sahabat saya. Saya ingin kemampuan yang kini terkikis kembali lagi, kemampuan saya dalam memaparkan kalimat-kalimat menjadi sebuah buku yang masih belum terselesaikan, kemampuan untuk memnayangkan apa yang akan saya tulis untuk karya saya, dan yang paling penting, semangat yang menggebu-gebu untuk menerbitkan karya tersebut dan membuatnya sukses sampai ke negara lain. Kemampuan dan semangat saya menipis seiring dengan pengetahuan saya bahwa hidup itu tidak mudah, meraih impian itu tidaklah mudah. Melakukan hal-hal tersebut tidaklah semudah kata0kata yang telah saya ucapkan dan saya bayangkan.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Sometimes there are things in life that you don't want to know but have to learn.
And then, there will be people who come into your life and make you realize that you had not been living until they had entered. They're that one person that you can't live without, but sometimes you just have to suck it up and do.
And then, there will be people who come into your life and make you realize that you had not been living until they had entered. They're that one person that you can't live without, but sometimes you just have to suck it up and do.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Hi there! Meet my new idol, Lee Jieun aka IU.
Not even pretty and cute, she have a great great voice and pretty good in guitar. This unnie of mine have an adorable personality. I ship her with my Wooyoung oppa tehehe~ Anyway, she really insipired me, besides Fanning sisters, I really love her fashion. Since her body as tiny as mine, her style is fits in me too. And I don't know why, she always gets my favorite boys being her partner in singing or being a model in her music video. Yong Hwa oppa sang with her and Hyun Woo being a model in You & I music video. Not jelous, I really adore her.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Senior Year ☀ (Preparation)
Hi again :) Well, in a few hours I'll attend my first class in my senior year in high school. To make a good start, I've prepared some things and I even studied to make some review for Deutsch and maybe Japanes later. As I said before, I'll totally do my best in this senior year and make my mum and dad pround of me!
Lots love, me xoxox.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Welcome, Senior Year ☀
Hi guys, I just got my report card for the last semester in my 11th grade today. Just so you know, I really did my best for the final exam and guess what???????!????? My score is in the top 5 in my class and I'm in the 4th place. YIPPIE. After the 'forever study' things and of course pray, I got what I wanted. Ok, goodbye 11th grade. Good bye fun year. Hello 12th grade, hello study-study-study-and-forever-study. Promise, I'll do my best again. I have to keep my score high for one more semester and VOALA! one VIP ticket to the university. Wish me luck. And, let's work hard together again, XI-Ba.........., I mean, XII-Bahasa ;)
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Imagine EXO as my big brothers.
Xiumin: The big brother who always plays with me, eats with me, and laughs with me. He's very soft towards me.
Luhan: The big brother who likes to buy me stuff. He's my cuddly big brother who unfortunately looks much much younger than me. He's my favorite after all!
Kris: The biggest (literally) big brother. He is the strict one. Always checks on me. Doesn't like it when I talk to boys. But even if he's difficult on me, he cares the most. He will kick the ass of the jerk who will hurt me.
Suho: One of my favorite big brother. He will listen to my troubles, let me cry on his shoulders and buys me ice-cream after. Drops and picks me up at school everyday. Very soft hearted big brother.
Lay: The big brother who doesn't talk much, but delivers the funniest jokes. I'm not very close to him, but once he hears about a jerk who makes me cry, he will kick the jerk's ass with Kris.
Baekhyun: The funniest big brother. He plays with me since I were born. I laugh with him until I cry. I hold his hands while walking.
Chen: Also one of my favorite big brothers. The sweetest one. He also checks on me a lot, but he's not authoritative like Kris. I run to him when I have problems with my studies. He takes turn with Suho for dropping me off or picking me up at school.
Chanyeol: The troll big brother. Always laughs at my fails. We always have childish fights, but he couldn't resist me and start trolling me again until I just laugh it off.
D.O: The big brother I always irritated with. We fight almost everyday. I'll only stop when Kris gets sick of my screaming.
Tao: The big brother I can troll. We both always bbuing bbuing around the house until the others get annoyed. He always falls for my pranks. Will suchu a jerk who hurts me.
Kai: The big brother who doesn't talk to me often because of playing too much video / online games, but he's still my favorite one. When we're together alone, he will talk about his "achievements".
Sehun: The big brother who acts as the younger one. I like trolling him and ruffling his hair. Like Luhan, he's also very cuddly towards me.
Well, If this is true, I don't need any boyfriend. Being around them is enough :')
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
It's been 3 years already. You guys have no idea how much I love each of you. I love every single things we did together. It's ok if we're just doing nothing, as long as we have each other, we can change 'nothing' to 'something'. I'm so glad we spend today together, even just for a while. It's pretty enough. No need boyfriend. I just need them. They're the best gift, best of the best. We passed some little crack, some problem, yeah, we passed it and stick 6 together. Once again, happy 3rd years. Hopes we meet again in the next 12!
Naci loves you all xxxx.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Chapter 5 Page 149
Hi, wanna meet my Aliens? They're the hottest Aliens you'll ever see.
EXO! Currently I'm so damn fudgin love with them. They're cool and hot as hell. They saparated in 2 direction, but still one.
First, Suho. The guardian leader from K. He may looks small, but really manly. Really guardian for K side. He just turn to 22 last Tuesday. Trainee about 7 damn years, not a wastin' time, Oppa, you looks awesome :') Next, Chanyeol or Eggyolk lol! He's skinny, still cool! Enrolled in a private acting institution, wait...... why the heaven he become a singer? It doesn't matter anyway, he looks good for EXO. Another member is D.O. Donut :p his voice is an angel's voice, hupth. EXO also have Bacon, I mean Baekhyun (mianhae Oppa^^). He have another angel's voice, he's cute too! And, this bitchy, the dance machine, my favorite from all of them, Kkamjong or Kai. Damn this man, why he have to be handsome but cute but hot. What do you eat, Kkamjong? I can't stand it when I see you too fuckin much! Meet the maknae of K side, Sehunah. He looks so flawless from up to down><
Move to M direction. We have Kris, the leader. He have lots of fan bcs he's handsome (absolutely-_-). This leader is fluent in English, Mandarin, Korean and Cantonese. No doubt he become a leader. The oldest from all EXO member, Xiumin, he's Korean actually, but idk why the fudge he's in M side. He may the oldest, but his face? Well...... he have that baby face after all ._. Another older member from the rest of EXO, Luhan or you can call him my baby Lulu<3 He's the older after Xiumin. Lulu is 22 and have that super-duper-hyper damn cute face! Lulu's my favorite after Kai. Lulu paired with Sehun, and thats why they come to HunHan. Idk if
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Chapter 5 Page 144
Heart beats fastColors and promisesHow to be braveHow can I love when I'm afraidTo fallBut watching you stand aloneAll of my doubtSuddenly goes away somehow
One step closer
I have died eveydayWaiting for youDarlin' don't be afraidI have loved you for aThousand yeardI'll love you for aThousand more
Time stands stillbeauty in all she isI will be braveI will not let anythingTake awayWhat's standing in front of meEvery breathEvery hour has come to this
One step closer
I have died everydayDarlin' don't be afraidI have loved you for aThousand yearsI'll love you for aThousand more
And all along I believedI would find youTime has broughtYour heart to meI have loved you for aThousand yearsI'll love you for aThousand more
Christina Perri - A Thousand Years
Today in English Class, one of my friend sang this song. When I heard it, I was just .......... speechless. The lyrics just too touchy, I felt like cry somehow. Some lyrics, well I think was urgh-this-just-so-my-love--story. It's all about the past, haha.
One step closer
I have died eveydayWaiting for youDarlin' don't be afraidI have loved you for aThousand yeardI'll love you for aThousand more
Time stands stillbeauty in all she isI will be braveI will not let anythingTake awayWhat's standing in front of meEvery breathEvery hour has come to this
One step closer
I have died everydayDarlin' don't be afraidI have loved you for aThousand yearsI'll love you for aThousand more
And all along I believedI would find youTime has broughtYour heart to meI have loved you for aThousand yearsI'll love you for aThousand more
Christina Perri - A Thousand Years
Today in English Class, one of my friend sang this song. When I heard it, I was just .......... speechless. The lyrics just too touchy, I felt like cry somehow. Some lyrics, well I think was urgh-this-just-so-my-love--story. It's all about the past, haha.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Chapter 5 Page 143
Current wallpaper on my iPod<3
It was Luhan & Kai when EXO played in Disneyland! Yeah, they just debuted about one month, yeah one month and they just going to L.A. for SMTOWN World Tour! Guys, you're totally awesomeeeeeee! :') Well, since I saw their perform I kinda like them, and now? Maybe I'm one of EXOtics. Kai & Luhan just trapped my attention. Don't blame them. They're super awesome. So-so-so-so awe-so-me><
Friday, May 11, 2012
Chapter 5 Page 133
Hyong Wa
He's kind of mature. I loved it when he was singing and playing guitar. This is what kind of brother that I would love to have.
This one is my favorite from all of 2PM members. He's sucha perfect brother. Taecyeon will be my forever and always~
Aish. Wooyoung. Erm there's no right words to describe this stupid Oppa-_- He's so damn childish, but cute, funny, and that's why I like him. He 'll be my another brother. I'll never get bored of him phuffff.
OH-MON-DIEU, he have sucha perfect smile. I love this kind of smile. I just know him about 2 weeks ago (Idk well about SuJu anyway) when I watched Skipbeat. He's on it. He killed me by his smile. Damit. If all boys from the whole world have this kind of smile, life 's gonna be brighter HAHAHAH.
This is baby Lulu^^ cute, right? He's part of EXO, but from EXO-M side. EXO is new boys from SMTOWN. All of them are gorgeous, believe me! But baby Lulu is one of my favorite. He paired with Sehun from EXO-K. They both looks cute together. I saw one video from Luhan, he said happy birthday to Sehun. He can't come bcs he was in China. It was cuteee>< and Luhan way too cute when he said "daebak" word. Me wuff you baby Luluuu<3
See the way he dance? See the way he smile? See the way he did aegyeo? See the way he sing? See the way the did nothing? Everything he did just too perfect :') He can be handsome, cute and damn sexy sometimes. OMGASDFGHJKL why he have to be that perfect?????!!???
This is what I called another LOVE!
I'm totally falling for him. He's just like another me. Childish and innocent :p
We're sucha cute and best couple, no offense!
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