Sunday, June 27, 2010
Test Has Been Completed
Now, i want to tell you; readers, about today :)
I arrived at the place of examination; House Gymnastics (Raden Inten) at 6 am and directly met Cici in the courtyard. We went inside and met Zackry. We chatted briefly and I got a call from Meyo,
M (Meyo) D (Me)
M: Dina, where are you?
D: Of course in Building Gym. you?
M: I just finished a bath
D: Gosh-___-
M: Whether the test has started?
D: Not yet
M: What time the exam at the beginning?
D: I do not know?
M: OK, see you later!
Soon thereafter, streching starts, while Meyo not yet arrived to the test. Fani and Luthfan too little too late. Meyo finally gets the punishment from Sabeum for being late.
After streching, the opening ceremony of taekwondo test and then written test. Almost everything that i written in my previous post, is the test material.
Then we; the senior red belt, got tasked to oversee the junior test.
This is the MOST EXHAUSTHING ! We must keep an eye on elementary school children end they're so unruly! I have repeatedly cautioned them, but sometimes they do funny things. Sabaeum told them to push-up, but there was a boy who take a nap I had to pick him up and said, "Do you want to pass this exam, right? Be a good boy!", the boy finally behaving like angel BUT soon behaving like a little devil again
There also a boy who always complaining, "When the exam was over? I'm tired." I said, "If you follow Sabeum's instruction well, you will soon complete this exam!", But he reluctantly followed the exam-_-
when accompanying the junior fight i feels that im cool this is the first time i accompanied them fight. It seemed only yesterday i do a white belt test ahaha.
Who take the geup two test of only eight people, the number of participants who take the test made me very nervous-_-
I was right in front of the appraiser and my juniors watch our test (except for blue belt)
If i make a mistake would be embarrassing.
But i'm thankful because i didn't make the fatal mistake (maybe) because the testers did not punish me.
And the end result ........................................
'He said' there are four people who don't pass the test, even though the participants only eight people
I'm so scared... as well as other participants.
We can only hope that hopefully it was just mental browbeating to raise us, aminnnn.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Taekwondo Test Materials
This is what i learned for the written test tomorrow :
Rebuttal (Makki)
- Arae Makki: downward parry
- Momtong An Makki: rebuttal to the abdomen from the outside in
- Momtong Bagkat Makki: rebuttal in the direction from inside to outside the abdomen
- Eolgol Makki: rebuttal to the head
- Bagat Palmok Makki: parry with both hands clenched stomach collar.
Blow (Jireugi)
- Momtong Jireugi: The blow to the abdomen
- Eolgol Jireugi: A blow to the head
- Gabrion / Dobeon: A blow to the abdomen twice
- Sambion: blow three times to the head, neck, abdomen
Strangulation (Chireugi) Slashes (Chigi)
- Ageum son keut chireugi: strangulation in the neck
- Gawison keut chireugi: poke to the eyes with two fingers
- Ape son keut chireugi: poke in the neck with your fingertips
- Pionson keut chireugi: poke towards the solar plexus with his fingertips
- Personal Mok Chigi: slashes to the neck / temple
- Jibibeum Sonnal Mok Chigi: slashes and defense simultaneously open palm toward the head.
- Jibibeum Theok Chigi: poke the chin and defense simultaneously open palms toward the head.
- Palkop piojok Chigi: Attacks using the elbow with one hand while another grabbed his head.
Kick (Chagi)
- Momtong Dollyo chagi: kick curled towards the abdomen
- Eolgol Dollyo chagi: kick curled towards the head
- Dwi Chagi: kickbacks nudged toward the stomach
- Yeoup chagi: kickbacks leg poked his head with a knife
- Yeoup Khurigi: kick to the head mengkait
- Idan Dollyo chagi: a circle with a leg kick to the front
- Dolke chagi: Kicking rotating 180 degrees, with the back foot
- Pekta Chagi: Kicking the front legs drawn half used the back foot.
- Mad badad chagi: Kick jump / slaiding laterally
Philosophy of taekwondo belts:
- White symbolizes purity
- Yellow symbolizes the earth
- Green symbolizes the green of the trees
- Blue symbolizes the blue sky
- Red symbolizes the sun
- Black symbolizes darkness
Indonesian Taekwondo Appointments:
1. Menjunjung tinggi nama bangsa dan negara republik Indonesia yang berlandaskan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945.
2. Mentaati asas-asas taekwondo Indonesia
3. Menghormati pengurus, pelatih, senior dan sesama taekwondoin dalam mengembangkan taekwondo Indonesia.
4. Selalu berlaku jujur dan bertanggung jawab dalam menjaga nama baik taekwondo Indonesia.
5. Menjadi pembela keadilan dan kebenaran.
Founder of first taekwondo: General Choi Hong Hi
Taekwondo president of DKI Jaya: Ade Surapriatna
General Chairman PBTI: Erwin Sujojono
Eummmm what else?
I guess it's enough.
Wish me luck for tomorrow
I will test in the last hour , pray that everything will be fine and hopes i can do my best♡, aminnn
Friday, June 25, 2010
Exhilarate Afternoon :D & Kithchen Princess
Today i've got a nice afternoon. Yep. I spend this afternoon with my taekwondo's club, yeah just a usual practise but im so happy
My bestfriends made me laugh along this afternoon, and Funny Fani made me cant stop laughing
Huaaaah two days left until my taekwondo test! im nervous but i'll do my best!!!!!!!! Okay change the topic.
Do you know Kitchen Princess? it's a manga series written by Miyuki Kobayashi and drawn by Natsumi Ando. I bought this comic when im still in grade 8. I guess it's a sweetest story i've ever read . And this comic give us some recipe in each series, so, we can try to make something delicious.Here's the plot:
Najika Kazami, an orphan from Hokkaido with a talent for cooking, transfers to Seika Academy to chase her dream of being a great chef, and to find her "Flan Prince", a boy that saved her from falling into a river and gave her a cup of flan with a silver spoon with the school's emblem on it. At the time, she promised him she would make the most delicious dessert in the world when they met again. After she is placed into Class A, the special class, Najika becomes the target of bullying by teen model Akane Kishida and her friends. Najika does manage to befriend Sora and Daichi Kitazawa, both of whom seem to be candidates for the Flan Prince. As the story progresses, both brothers fall in love with her, furthering Akane's anger, who is in love with Daichi.
Slowly, Najika is also able to earn Akane's respect and friendship, starting after she manages to re-create Akane's grandmother's peach pie, whom Akane sorely misses, which saves Akane from anorexia. Things fully turn around after the girls have a fight after Najika learns Akane stole a watch Daichi gave her, culminating in Najika telling Akane that she is always lying and is an awful person. Despite this, Najika defends Akane afterward when an onlooker calls Akane pathetic. They soon make amends and Akane begins visiting Fujita Diner to eat Najika's cooking. Eventually, Najika chooses Sora, who tells her that he is her "Flan Prince".
As the story progresses, Najika enters a major cooking contest. She easily passes the first round and second round. As the final round is about to begin, Sora is hit by a truck while getting Najika some special vanilla beans. Najika, Daichi, and Akane rush to the hospital, but his wounds are fatal. Before he dies, he confesses to Najika that he is not really her Flan Prince, but that he did love her. Najika temporarily loses her sense of taste due to the psychological trauma, but to keep her last promise to him, she finishes the contest, though she loses. Najika is blamed for his death by both her classmates and her director, who kicks her out of school.
Daichi agrees to take Sora's place if his father will allow her to stay at the school. Daichi eventually remembers that his mother died protecting him from falling lumber, and locks himself up in his room for days without food. Najika tries to bring him food, but is constantly pushed away by the maid. She climbs a tree to his bedroom window, gives him some food, and confesses her feelings to him. However, Daichi rejects her out of guilt over Sora. Najika leaves Japan to participate in a cooking competition in Paris, but has to drop out after learning that her caretaker Hagio has collapsed. There she finds Daichi had helped care for her and goes to find him, meeting him at the pond where she almost drowned. She asks him again if he is the one who had saved her and he says he was but he had amnesia from the shock of his mother's death and had forgotten. He confesses his feelings to her, and they share a kiss under a rainbow in the sky.
Ohhhh what a sweet moments :')Hem when i know Sora's dead, i cried I likeeeeeeeeeeeeee Sora! He's so kind, handsome and smart u.u i wish i could have a boyfriend like him ahahaha
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Celotehan Disela Ke Panikan
Pagi yang cerah namun agak suram ya? ya ya ya abaikan-_-
Ehya title kali ini agak gimana gitu ya wakwak panik kenapa Din? ya panik aja gitu emang kalo panik harus ada alesan? *nyolot*
Abaikan lagi kata-kata saya yang barusan.
I've to told you in my last post kalo hari minggu ini, tepatnya tanggal 27 Juni 2010 saya akan menghadapi ujian teakwondo. Kali ini bukan ujian buat junior lagi (sok senior). Yap, saya akan segera menyandang sabuk merah geup dua ehm kalo lulus okay kita tak boleh pesimis dulu! Kata Luthfan pada tanggal 23 Juni 2010 tepat pukul 7:48 malam (apasi sok bet lengkap-_-) , "Jangan takut dulu, hedepin dulu. Selesai di hadepin baru takut din". Yak, kata-kata ini membangkitkan semangat!!!!!!!
Tapi pas Cici bilang kalo gak ada anak 213 yang ikut ujian geup dua, saya mulai kembali down. Okay ini penghinaan kelas kakap ya, saya sudah rendah masih juga di rendahin!!!!! (abaikan lagi~~)
Emang takut sih, takut pas ujian ngeblank. Kalo udah gak fokus terus pesimis, pasti langsung blankkkk! That's my bad habit *bangga* Ehm pengalaman pas ujian sabuk merah kemaren sih gitu deh (?) Agak panik eh tapi tapi gak kerasa ujiannya udah selasai fiuh~ rasanya pas ujian teknik & taegeuk selesai, dengan bersimbah keringat plus tampang kucel gue mau lompat terus salto tiga kali di udara dan langsung split tengah sambil bersorak, "YEEEEEEEAY SELESAI JUGA UJIAN INI!!!!". Tapi berhubung gue terlalu lelah dan masih harus ujian fight, gue gak melakukan hal itu. (sebenernya gue gak bisa salto, apalagi split. udah gitu gue terlalu malu untuk melakukan hal memalukan seperti itu) Kalo buat ujian fight sih gue berani *hit* berhubung mental gue buat fight tinggi, hem mentalnya ya bukan orangnya-____-, jadi gue paling suka ujian fight. Kalo ujian taekwon tuh cuma fight doang sih gue bakalan lari ke London terus sok sok nyasar ke rumah Freddie terus Freddie di jodohin sama gue, menikah, punya dua anak; laki-laki dan perempuan, dan hidup bahagia selamanya. The End. *dilempar tombak*
Maaf ya rada ngaco nih maklum lagi panik
Haduh kok ini malah panik lagi ya?-_- pasti karena gue banyak ngomong-_-
OHYA OHYA kemaren jam 4:24 sore gue SMS orang yang nomer henfonnya ada di urutan ke 3 dari atas di contact henfon ku. DAN????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iya nihil yang di sekolah kalo di kelas lagi di tanya, "Yang gak masuk siapa?", "Nihiiiiil!".
Nakal banget si nihil-_- gamasuk sekolah mulu, gak naik kelas tau rasa lu! *dilempar batu bata*
EH MAAF tuh kan error lagi T.T
Yak, nihil itu gak ada hasilnya. Eh? Udah pada tau ya? Yaudah gak usah di jelasin deh. (mari abaikan lagi)
Kata Cici mungkin dia lagi gak ada pulsa. Yaudah sabodo lah yang penting gue udah ngingetin ya.
Hem ganti topik ah nanti gak ada gunanya gue bikin blog baru eh tetep ada dianya juga (tuh sadar) tapi boleh lah ada cerita tentang dia sikit-sikit ;p
Saya berharap banget loh semoga Zhenwei Wang mau meminjamkan kekuatannya untuk ujian taekwon hari minggu ini. Eh jangan deh nanti gue bukannya taekwon malah kung fu lagi
Untung gue mikir dulu sebelum menjem kekuatannya HAHAHAHA saya pintar
Tapi pinjem kekuatan dikit gapapa deh, dikit aja kok ya ya ya ya ya? (abaikan saya)
Ada kesenangan sehabis ujian taekwon bagi anak sabuk merah loh! Yaitu melantik para juniornya!!!!!!! YAP YAP YAAAAAAP
Asik bikin sengsara junior hahahaha (senior kejam), aku sudah melakukan hal ini dua kali :D
Pokoknya kalo pelantikan gue mau jaga pos taegeuk lagi sama Luthfan! Kalo mereka salah dikit? Pukul pake target. Kalo salah banyak? Tinggal suruh roll depan ato push-up. Kalo gak nurut? (alhamdulillah semuanya nurut) Hajar ajalah. (ini gak boleh di lakukan)
Eh dari tadi saya ngoceh tapi kok masih dikit banget ya?
Ngoceh lagi yuk!
Tapi apa lagi?
Gue mau ganti username twitter jadi @dinacheng wakwk (Luthfan's idea) tapi gak enak di baca-______- Gimana menurut kalian?
Dan, selama liburan ini gue gak ngapa-ngapain ya huhu bocan-_- jadi cuma bikin konser pribadi gutu yang penontonnya gak ada soalnnya nyanyinya pake ngeliat lirik. Kebanyakan nyanyi lagu JB ft JS-Never Say Never ahah sampe sekarang belum hafal-hafal tuh padahal sering nyanyi=_= kan gue mau jadi Belieber WAKAWAKA IT'S TIME FOR AFRICA (?) kaga laaaaaaaah. Gue gak addicted sama JB. Tapi kalo addicted sama lagunya yang Baby! Ini aib sekali bloggers sekalian, masa tiap gue gek sengaja denger lagu Baby dimana pun saya berada pasti bawaannya pingin ikut nyanyi sambil breakdance GAHAHAHA KAGA LAWCH tapi kalo pingin ikut nyanyi iya banget! Tapi kalo gue sengaja denger lagu Baby malah males nyanyi, malah males dengerinnya. Kenapa deh tuh? Mau konsultasi tapi tau deh dokter sama psikolog mana yang mau dengerin curhatan anak manis ini *dilempar galon*
Sudah lah saya lelah ngetik wikikik
Seeya in the next post, keep reading bloggers!!!!
Tell him... ergh, or her?
Okay, just tell him din.
Im shy, or afraid? Gah idk-_-
Why? Did you 've problem with him?
Yes! Ehh? I mean no, i dont have any problem.
And then? Whats wrong? Just tell him!
Sigh.. Should i tell him?
Of course, your leader choose you to tell him.
Why? How about Fani? My leader always rely him!
He choose you.
You 've his cellphone number. C'mon, just send him one message din.
I gave his number to Cici and my leader. Why didn't he do it by himself?
Your leader trust you to remainder him.
Yeah, he want to disgrace me=_="
WHAT DID YOU SAY STUPID GIRL?! He just trust you to do it!
So? Do you want to disappoint him?
No. I just.... i just can't do it...
JUST DO IT, DINA!!!!!!!!!!!!
OKAY OKAY OKAY! I'll send him a message. What i've got to say?
Tell him that your leader need him to the school event.
What if he doesn't want to come?
You've to try.
What if he thinks this is just my excuse to meet him?
What if he thought i just lying?
What do you talking about, girl?????????!
Sorry, Im just.... im..... yeah, you know.... he's.......
I know. You broke the rules in this new blog again.
This is the second time, i guess.
Now, it's up to you. Wanna remainder him or disappointing ur leader?
I don't wanna disappoint my leader!
So, remainder him. Just send him a message.
Im speechless.
That's not funny.
You're funny dinnnn!
It's almost 3 years and you... still afraid?
Yeah.. Thanks for remaind me about that.
Tell him or you'll always afraid.
Maybe he'll chance ur opinion in his eyes.
If i fail?
Keep smiling, you 've ur bestfriends; Meyo, Cici, Zackry, Fani & Luthfan, they'll always with you.
Okay... I'll try.
Good girl :) Don't be sad if you fail, deal?
Hmhh.... Deal...
Perfect ;)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Pick Pick Pick
Hem my favorite boy....
1. brown hair | black hair | blonde hair | red hair
2. tall | short | same height as you
3. ear piercings | eyebrow piercings | snake bites | no piercings | other
4. tattoos | no tattoos | idgaf
5. skater | punk | player | indie | cowboy | musician | prep | jock | other
6. shy | outgoing | in between
7. mellow | hyper | loud | quiet
8. blue eyes | brown eyes | green eyes
9. wears tight jeans | wears normal jeans | other
10. converse | vans | nikes | skate shoes | other
11. listens to: metal | rap | indie | classic rock | country | all | other
12. compliments too much | compliments when necessary
13. jokes around all the time | jokes when necessary
14. sensitive | hides emotion | acts tough
15. hobbies: computer | music | skating | sports | drawing | fishing | other
16. loves to hold | loves to be held
17. tons of muscles | fit | skinny | chubby18. pale | average | tan | dark
19. cusses a lot | never cusses | moderatly cusses | only cusses around friends | who even gives a fuck
20. wavy hair | curly hair | straight hair | long hair | longish hair | short hair
Yep, thats all :)
And this is my favorite things, food, place, activity and other:
1. My MobilePhone, SE W595 (black)
I can't go out without this phone ahahah. Likes another phone, isinya foto, lagu, 2 video clip (JB-Baby & Taylor Swift-You Belong With Me) yeah just two, games and other.
2. Novel, Comis, & Magazine.
I'd love to reading! Novels, comics & magazines. Novel yang gue baca cuma yang bernuansa fantasy dan komedi, dengan sedikit taburan romance. Kalo komik hemmm yeah semacam komik buat perempuan, detektif, horror yeah kaya gitu lah. Kalo majalah tergantung lah.
3. Lays (seaweed)
Im in love with the teaste ahahah
4. Lightning McQueen's Doll
Males ngambil foto bonekanya nih ahaha yaudah pake McQueen yg asli aja ya hihihi. McQueen's dollnya warna biru hem ini my birthday present from Meyo *smooch*
5. Zackry's House
Ini rumah besar banget dan adem banget! Pokoknya ini basecamp pertama dwarfs deh. Apa lagi terasnya njirrr adem banget kalo sore~~
Mau lajutin lagi tapi agak males nih ahahaha segini dulu dehyaaaa..
Hug & Kisses @dinacchi ;)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I Hate To Be A Loser
Im a loser.
Im afraid to tell what i've got to say.
Always running from reality.
I don't want to face the fear.
Too shy to stand in front of many people.
Surrender if i fails.
Crying when i did something wrong.
Keeping my own feelings.
Im a selfish girl.
Always rely on other people, especially my bestfriens.
But, ..... i think...
I've to chance myself.
I don't want to be a burden to my bestfriends.
Forgive me guys....
Hemm, i get some word from Coraline (novel):
"If you feel scared, but still go away, that means you're brave."
From that word i know something,
Don't run from reality anymore.
Don't obey your fear.
Hey bloggers, regret always come at the end of the story, right?
I must fight my fear!!
The fear that i must be faced may exist in 27th June 2010.
Yep, taekwondo exam.
Im so afraid, guys, but i must be brave!
Wish me luck bloggers :)
Hug & Kisses @dinacchi
Zhenwei Wang
Do you have a great Saturday?
Hopes yeah.
Heeey i want you to know my new hero♥ iyapppp, hero yang swalayan itu (?) bukan lah-____-
Pasti kalo gue sebutin namanya lo gak kenal tapi tapi tapi kalo ngeliat mukanya pasti kenal,
Looks familar?
Yap yap yap, anak imut nan kuwl ini namanya Zhenwei Wang, umurnya gatau, rumahnya gatau tapi dia tinggal di China.
Dia anak beruntung yang jadi Cheng di Karate Kid.
Iya iya dia yang jahat itu.
Tapi aslinya gak jahat loh!
Tau gak kenapa dia bisa jadi jahat?
Karena emang perannya buat jadi anak jahat (?)Biografinya masi unknow but how lucky am i bisa dapet fotonya :D
Gue pingin banget bisa kaya Zhenwei!!
Bukan pingin Kung Fu, tapi pingin gerakannya sempurna!
Gue kan Taekwondo yaaaaaah beda tipis lah sama Kung Fu.
Setiap Taekwondo gue selalu bilang, "Gue kan Cheng", hem jangan kan pas Taekwondo, pas lagi SMSan sama sahabat-sahabat gue aja gue selalu menyangkut paut kan Cheng.
Liat nih pose fightnya Zhenwei,
How cool!!!!!
Tetep aja ya Freddie nomer satu :3
Hug & Kisses @dinacchi :)
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thanks God, It's Friday!!
Yeah, it's Fridayyy!! (terus kenapa gitu din?)
Hari ini jadwalnya gue ke sekolah buat cap tiga jari sama latihan taekwondo.
Hem gue berangkat dari rumah jam 8 (karena disuruh buru-buru sama Ibu), ngedrop adek gue yang cewek dulu kan di SD terus cau ke sekolah gue. Dari samping sekolah udah kedengeran deh rame bangeeeeeeeet kan lagi classmeeting. Pas masuk gerbang gue gak nengok kanan-kiri kan langsung ke kantin aja deh tuh, ketemu Regina say hay bentar terus nanya ada anak kelas 9 yang udah dateng belum terus nyari posisi di kantin, sip duduk dengan dengan gaya sok stay cool tapi hasilnya malah kaya anak ilang di mall, gue SMS Fani sama Meyo, berhubung Meyo masih di jalan yaudah gue maksa Fani cepetan dateng soalnya rumahnya paling-gak-jauh dari sekolah.
D(Dina; gue) F(Fani)
D: Fan dimana kau Fan?
F: Di depan lo
*beneran ngeliat ke depan*
D: Gak ada-____- yang bener ah dimana?
F: Ada kok
D: Ah serius Fannnnnn
F: Di lapangan
Gahhh gue udah males beranjak dari singgasana (?) gak lama kemudian datenglah Fani sama Meyo eh ternyata Fani sama Meyo udah cap tiga jari duluan, pantes tadi gue disuruh ke lapangan-_- Yaudah cap tiga jari dulu lah gue sekalian ketemu teman seperjuangan di 9-4, bacanda-bacanda sikit sambil nunggu Luthfan, hem Zackry datengnya jam 11 soalnya dia tes di LIA dulu. Setelah Luthfan cap tiga jari we move to the canteen, gue belum sarapan (?) makan plus rumpi-rumpi cekakak-cekikik sambil nunggu Zackry. Rencananya sih mau ke rumah Zackry eh gajadi yaudaaaaaaah. Nunggu lagi kan buat taekwon, pas pada shalat jumat kan gue, Meyo sama Cici ke pos duduk-duduk eh ada Syaifa sama Egha. Terus ngebahas ikut ujian apa enggak hem bingung nih beneran deh-_____- takuuuuuut, tapi gue juga mau ke geup dua!!! So? yak gue dapet pelajaran lagi, "kalo gue terus lari dari hal yang menakutkan, kau tak akan pernah maju. kau bisa saja lari dari kenyataan untuk selamanya."
Teruuuuus pada udah selesai shalat kita ngobrol ber enam lagi kan soal panggilan sok imut ahahahah awalnya gue kan ehem anyonyunyinyanyi~~
Terus pas latian gue awalnya gak fokus yang menyebabkan gerakan gue hancur total!!!!!!! Pas di pindahin barisannya gue mulai belajar fokus, soalnya malu banget kalo gue salah-salah sedangkan di kiri-kanan gue itu junior gue semua. Senior macam apakah saya? Fyi gue bisa fokus dan gak salah-salaaaaaaaaah *prok prok prok*
Habis itu latian............................. JENG JENG JENG JEEEEEENG............................ Teageuk.
Ini yang paling gue takutin.
Gerakan yang HARUS di hafal.
Tiap tingkatan wajib menghafal taegeuk wajib masing-masing.
Karena gue sabuk merah berarti gue HARUS hafal taegeuk 6.
Kunci kelulusan ada di situ.
Okay maaf suasana agak tegang (??)
Yahhhh perlahan-lahan gue mencoba menghafal. Doakan ya bloggers!!!!!!!!
Terus istirahaaaaaaaaaaat.
Ngobrol sama sabeum Barri kan eheheh masa dia bilang, "Nah ingetin Mas *** ya buat dateng MOS", wakwakwak.
Kenapa lu din?
Ah masaaa?
Seneng ya?
Abis istirahat kan latian buat MOS. Nah pas itu gue bilang ke Luthfan kalo gue mau jadi Cheng (Karate Kid). Gue suka bangeeeeeeeet sama Cheng. Kuwl, imut ahaw top lah *di depak Freddie*. Terus gue sok sok cool gitu kan kaya Cheng lah malah dibikin ketawa sama Luthfan, Fani, Zackry T.T gatau sahabatnya mau stay cool apa ya?-___-
Gue sok sok cool sampe pulang kan ahahahah sumfeeee tolski banget deh!!
Ohya Kak Reni dateeeeeng! Rambutnya udah aka panjang wohoow mau jadi perempuan sejati (?) pas dia ateng kita bilang 'cewe cantik' ngahahaha
Gue belajar nyentil batu gitu kan sama Fani awkw pasti batu yang gue sentil jatohnya selalu gak jauh dari gue=_=" gak bakat sih gue awakwak.
Yappppp nothing special in this day, but, im still happy yappy :))
Hug & Kissess @dinacchi xoxo
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tag Tag Tag
1. respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.
2. tag eight other people.
what is your current obsession?
jadi istrinya Freddie Highmore
what is your weirdest obsession?
terjun dari Angels Fall
what are you wearing today?
t-shirt biru sama celana pendek abu-abu
what’s for dinner today?
tom yammmmm
makeup kit you cant live without?
cuma pelembab muka
what would you like to learn to do?
les bahasa Prancis
what’s the last thing you bought?
lidi-lidian yang pedes ituloh gue beli dua jadi 2000 (?)
what are you listening to right now?
John Mayer-Say
what is your favorite weather?
indonesia cuma ada 2 musim sih yaudah yang paling enak cuma musim hujan TAPI jangan sampe banjir!!!
what is your most challenging goal right now?
hem?? apa ya??
what do you think about the person who tagged you?
gak ada yang ngetag gue sih ahahaha gue ambil ajanih dari blognya Adinda Wungo, hemm Dinda temen SD gue di Harapan Mulia. cantik, pinter, model, arch angels, pokoknya top deh
if you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
ah gue mah simple aja, rumah cukup kaya rumah gue yang sekarang tapi lebih rapi-_- terus gue punya kamar sendiri yang ada perpustakaan pribadinya, terus ada taman kecilnya gitu. tempatnya juga gak gak jauh-jauh, cukup di Highgate (London) tepat di sebelah rumahnya Freddie Highmoe. gak muluk-muluk kan? *di depak*
what would you like to have in your hands right now?
ice-cream u,u
what would you like to get rid of?
males :p
if you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
LONDOOOON!!!! terus Prancis, Jepang, sama Skotlandia.
which language do you want to learn?
hem bahasa inggris gue masi berantakan jadi masih harus belajar lagi, terus gue mau bahasa Prancis sama di suruh Ibu belajar bahasa Mandarin soalnya itu penting kan
what do you look for in a friend?
yang baik hati (udah gitu doang awkw simple banget)
who do you want to meet in person?
what’s your favorite type of music?
pop, rnb
what’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
gaktau, gue bilang sih sama aja
what is your dream job?
novelis, eits, novelis yang setara sama J.K Rowling sama J.R.R Tolkien loh
any favorite models?
manohara awkwakakak kaga lah hem siapa hem yang cantik aja deh (?)
if you had £100 now what would you spend it on?
100 pounds sekarang kalo di rupiahin berapa sih?
favorite song?
David Archuleta-Let's Talk About Love sama Justin Bieber ft Jaden Smith-Never Say Never
do you admire anyone’s style?
heh? siapa ya? AnnaSophia Robb, Dakota Fanning sama Lourdes Leon
describe your personal style
last fashion magazine you read?
last thing you saw on TV?
video clip Justin Bieber ft Sean Kingston-Eenie Meenie
hollywood star (girl) that you like?
AnnaSophia Robb
what rule(s) do you like to break?
gak boleh sering-sering makan coklat karena bisa bikin gue pusing gahhh padahal gue suka banget sama coklat T.T
hey tag ur self ajayap, males ngetag nih ahaha
Hug & Kisses @dinacchi :3
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Dwarfs Anniversary♥
Hari ini gue pergi ngerayain one yearnya Dwarfs, yep, nama perkumpulan persahabatan gue. Bukan genk loh! Kita berteman sama siapa aja kok :) but we're a close friends jadi sahabat gitu lah (bilang aja dari tadi sahabat gitu din gausah ribet)
Jam sebelas tadi ngumpul di BSK, depan perumahannya Meyo trs kita cau ke MM. Dari MM nyebrang ke XXI Giant, mana kaki gue lecet astaga jalan udah freak abis-.- untung Cici bawa hansaplast tapi tetep masih sakit Pas nyampe XXI pas banget tuh pintu XXI bari di buka, tau aja gue dateng *hit* terus beli tiket nonton ini:
Karate Kid wohoooow ini kedua kalinya gue nonton Karate Kid, yang pertama gue nonton di Balikpapan (KalTim), ngobrol-ngobrol di kursi setangah jam gitu kan filmnya jam 1 terus jam 12 lewat kita ke AW ada yang beli ice-cream sama rootber. Jam setengah satu lewat kita balik ke XXI liat poster ini:
Terus masuk teater 1 gah iklannya lama woy ngantuk gue nunggunya~~ trs film mulai blablabla heboh lah dwarfs biasa kita kan sesama fighter (?) bedanya Dre itu Kung Fu, kita Tae Kwon Do :)) padahal Dre kecil mungil gitu sama kaya gue fighter juga sama kaya gue ._. sama-sama hebat pula *hit hit hit*Cast yang gue suka di Karate Kid itu Cheng (Zhenwei Wang) sama Harry (Luke Carberry) awkw gue kurang suka sama Jaden Smithnya hehe tapi you're great, Jaden!
Gue suka Cheng karena kiyuuuuuuut you know? biarpun ahli Kung Fu gitu tetep imut dehaw (dikeplak Freddie). Terus gue suka Harry karena ganteng EHEHEHE (ditabok Freddie) apalagi pas awal-awal di taman itu pas ngomong pake bahasa mandarin ke Cheng ihihi looks so cute♥ (dicubit Freddie; maaf Freddie merasa tersaingi hohoho)
Pas abisnya kan ada lagunya JB yang Never Say Never gue minta tunggu dulu sampe lagunya abis (norak) nyanyi tuh gue ahaha sumpah norak abis mana si Cici bilang gue "Yang kena karma nyanyi tuh", hahahanjir ngaku nih gue kena karma waktu awal-awal gue sering ngatain JB 'apa gantengnya sih?' 'ih sukanya yang tua-tua' ehm cuma gitu dong kok tapi gue gak pernah ngejek suaranya!
Hem balik ke MM, ke gramed ehya gue beli ini:
oke udah agak telat ya dari tanggal rilisnya tapi gak rugi gue beli novel ini ahahaha ngakak abis di tiap sesi ya Allah ngakak se ngakak ngakaknya orag ngakak deh (???!?)
Abis dari gramed makan di A&H yah mayan lah murah dan bikin kenyang ahaha abis itu pulang deh soalnya udah jam 5, mana gue udah di telfonin ibu sama papa-____-
But thanks for today guyssssss!!
I had i lot of fun & laugh.
Makasi udah bersedia menjadi sahabat ku selama ini. Semoga kita bisa terus bersahabat ya seperti kata ibu ku sama bundanya Zackry.
I love you guyss♥♥♥♥♥♥
You'll always be my best friends, forever after♥♥
Hug & Kisses @dinacchi
Monday, June 14, 2010
Simple Plan-Untitled
I'll tell you my holiday in the next post.
Im still not in the mood today.
Ehm i can't tell you why, just, check this lyrics! It makes me feel better :))
I open my eyes
I try to see but I’m blinded by the white light
I can’t remember how
I can’t remember why
I’m lying here tonight
And I can’t stand the pain
And I can’t make it go away
No I can’t stand the pain
How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me
Everybody’s screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
I’m slipping off the edge
I’m hanging by a thread
I wanna start this over again
So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered
And I can’t explain what happened
And I can’t erase the things that I’ve done
No I can’t
How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me
hug ang kisses, @dinacchi
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Freddie Highmore (smooch)
Guess who?
Kalo yang udah kenal deket gue sih udah bosen dan muak banget dengernya ahahaha, yep, he's Alfred Thomas Highmore hem familiar with Freddie Highmore :)Anak yang dulunya imut dan sekarang ganteng ini lahir di Hampstead, London, 14 Februari.Gue emang udah tau Freddie dari gue kecil pas nonton Two Brothers yang singa-singa ituloh, terus lanjut ke Charlie and The Chocolate Factory & August Rush. Mulai dari situ deh gue suka Freddie<3 dan sampe sekarang gue gak bisa lepas dari Freddie. Semenjak gue addicted sama Freddie, nilai bahasa inggris gue membaik loh! Padahal waktu kelas tujuh nilai bahasa inggris gue pas pasan banget-.- tapi gue mulai berusaha dan berusaha, fyi, nilai UN gue kemaren yang paling tinggi itu bahasa inggris. Gak nyangka deh suka sama Freddie bisa membawa dampak positif, jadi terharu * snif snif *. Gak salah banget gue milih Freddie jadi idola gue :3 love him so much deeeeeeeh.Wanna see him? Here!
in Happy Birthday Shakespeare. still cute, right?
looks so cute but cool :)
Dia juga di gossipin date sama Dakota Fanning, pas itu gue kesel banget beneran deh=.=
Tapi kata Freddie itu cuma dinner biasa, lagian mereka gak jalan berdua kok, jadi gue udah melupakan itu semua ehehe.
Dan kayanya banyak adegan di Homework yang bakalan bikin gue envy-.- tapi Freddie udah bilang ke gue kalo itu semua cuma akting, bisa tenang lah tapi tetep aja gue pasti envy bang-__- tapi tapi tapi (maaf bacot, banyak tapinya) gue gak bakalan envy selamanya ahahaha, pokoknya i love Freddie so much