Saturday, July 31, 2010

Feels Forgotten

Hey bloggers ;)
Happy saturday readers!
Hem but i dont think i've a great saturday :(
Aku ngerasa dilupain.
Sama siapa Din?
I've to told you. I've 5 bestfriends. They're so nice. I really love them.
Tapi belakangan ini aku ngerasa dilupain sama mereka. Gak semua sih tapi............... kerasa banget dilupain sama Zackry & Luthfan.
Alesan mereka sih pasti karena sibuk atau beda sekolah, tapi gak tau kenapa bener-bener ngerasa dilupain sama mereka berdua. Mereka sama-sama masuk SMA 12.
Aku mention pastri sering gak dibales, udah gitu mereka jarang mention aku, kalo di SMS juga suka gak dibales, sekalinya di bales jawabnya ala kadarnya.

Sometimes aku ngerasa dilupain mereka semua......
Aku juga suka kesepian di sekolah baru, yaaaaa biarpun udah punya temen baru, tapi tetep aja suka ngerasa sendiri.
Rata-rata anak 199 masuk SMA 12, 103, 59, 61, 81, 54, dll. Sedangkan aku? di 31 sendirian :(
Meyo sama Cici di 59.
Luthfan sama Zackry di 12.
Fani di 45 (kelapa gading).
Meyo enak sama Cici masih bisa ketemu, pulang bareng, ngobrol bareng.
Luthfan sama Zackry juga masih satu eskul disana.
Fani...... yaaa tau sendiri Fani mudah beradabtasi.
Aku pendiem banget-_- pemalu-_- yakkkk lengkap sudah! Aku tau sifat ini harus di ubah. Mau deh kaya Meyo sm Cici yang gampang banget dapet temen :((

Kalo lagi ditinggal Lala sendiri dikelas, terutama pas istirahat, pasti keinget dwarfs, itu pasti. Suka keinget dulu pas kelas 9 kalo lagi istirahat ato sebelum bel masuk kita suka ngumpul di depan kelas Luthfan. Terus kita juga sering ngumpul di kantin. Pulang bareng. Terus pas kita mau belajar bareng sebelum UN eh kita malah nonton Ju On bareng Cile & Dicky. Pas kita disuruh bikin games buat Ghasuku, plus yel-yelnya. Ngerayain birthday Zackry bareng REPOT & Cile. Dan masih banyak lagi kenangan yang sering muncul kalau aku lagi sendiri atau pun kalau lagi diem.
Apa kalian masih inget itu semua?
Apa kalian masih sering mengingat itu semua?
Aku kangen banget kebersamaan kita :'(
Apa kalian masih inget aku?
Apa kalian masih nganggep aku sahabat kalian?
Inget janji kita di depan Ibuku sama Bundanya Zackry di Pizza Hut?
Inget lagu apa yang diputer di Pizza Hut yang sekarang kita gunakan buat soundtrack kita?
Aku inget itu semua....

Terima kasih Meyo, selama tiga tahun kamu udah kaya kakakku. Sering ngasih saran, ngajarin aku belajar, dengerin semua ceritaku, ngajak satu tempat les bareng dan masih banyak lagi. Makasih buat selama ini ya, maaf aku sering banget ngerepotin dan nyusahin.
Terima kasih Cici, makasih selama ini udah dengerin ceritaku. Udah mau nerima aku apa adanya. Awalnya sifat kita bertolak belakang, lama-lama kita saling menyesuaikan diri. Cici juga sering ngasih saran yang baik buat aku. Makasih banyak ya ci.
Terima kasih Fani, aku paling sering cerita ke kamu dan kamu mau dengerin serta ngasih saran. Kamu sering banget jailin aku-_- tapi yaaaaa itulah Muhammad Rifani Aulia. Sekalinya ngeselin ya ngeselin, sekalinya baik ya baikkkkk banget. Aku paling takut sama kamu loh Fan-_- hehehe. Makasih ya atas semua saranmu.
Terima kasih Luthfan, aku juga sering banget cerita ke kamu dan kamu juga sering ngasih saran. Kalau aku lagi berantem sama Zackry atau Fani, kamu pasti ngebela aku hehe. Aku gak pernah marahan sama Luthfan. Makasih udah mau jadi pendengar yang baikkk.
Terima kasih Zackry, dari kelas 8 kita sekelas. Makasih banget kamu banyak membantu di kelas 9. Kemu sering banget ngajarin aku matematika. Kamu juga sering ngebullying aku-_____-. Kita paling sering berantem, karena kamu suka bercanda yang keterlaluan sihhh Zack! Terus kita marahan blablabla kamu minta maaf, kita baikan lagi, tapi itu pasti keulang lagi_-_ ahahaha. Kamu juga udah kaya kakak aku Zack. Makasih ya selama hampir dua tahun udah ngerepotin kamu. Sekarang kamu seneng kan, udah gak ada yang nyusahin kamu lagi?

I miss you guys so badly :'(
Aku nangis loh ngetik post ini hehe :')
Cengeng banget ya?
Kalian pasti nganggep aku lebay karena kita masih bisa ketemu tapi, aku bener-bener kehilangan kalian disini.......
Kalau kalian bener-bener ngerti sifatku, kalian pasti tau apa yang aku rasain tanpa ada salah satu dari kalian di sekolah baru ku .........

Big Hug For Meyo, Cici, Fani Luthfan & Zackry

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Can you name 30 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 30 people. No cheating!

1. Resita Rosadi
2. Adinda Ayu Kustianingrum
3. Muhammad Rifani Aulia
4. Zackry Audric
5. Suciawati Ramadhanis
6. Luthfan Adrinsyah
7. A.. Y........ (Hachigoro)
8. Wahdini Fauzana
9. Dinda Agithawuri Widyakinanti
10. Imas Mega Pratiwi
11. Tari Imannanda
12. Mayang Tathya Nayenggita
13. Fauziah Pradipta
14. Shan Bisry Sujudi
15. Raynalda Hendraputra
16. Bramantya Natawidjaya
17. Hana Atthiyah
18. Purwita Apriantiwi
19. Oddy Aulia
20. Dyah Ayu Septianingrum
21. Ekky Fauziah
22. Woro Dyah Savitri
23. Widyagnes Fika Utama
24. Wenny Asty Pratiwi
25. Lucy Ana
26. Angela Histya Gunawan
27. R.... F.... I.... (Iki)
28. Melisa Permatasari
29. Adinda Melodia Wungo
30. Calvin Andika

• How did you meet 10?
- when i was 7th grader :)

• What would you do if you had never met 6?
- bakalan hampa (asik)

• What would you do if 20 and 15 dated?
- Dyah-Ray? ngakakak gua Raykan kaya kingkong gitu-_- peace Rayy v^o^v

• If you could marry between 6 and 14 who will it be?
- Luthfan / Bisry? Freddie dong ._.

• Did you ever like 9?
- as a chairmate? sureeee

• Have you ever seen 4 cry?
- nope~ adanya dia yang liat & bikin gue nangis huhu

• Would 4 and 12 make a good couple?
- Zackry & Mayang? gue jamin si Zackry ditabok Hakim si kawan meteorit (Zackry mode on) wk

• Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple?
- Kak Ita sm Meyo? astaga..... mereka normal...

• Describe 8:
- hyperactive, rusuh, gila, nekat, childish, gokil hue segalanya deh :')

• Do you like 12?
- sureeeeee she's a nice friend yakan Mayyyy :3

• Tell me something about 17:
- briliant!

• What's 7's favorite color?
- blue? i guess :3

• What would you do if 1 just confessed they liked you?
- me too Kak Itaaaaaa XD ahahah

• When was the last time you talked to number 15?
- waaaaah kapan ya? udah lama banget><

• How do you think 19 feels about you?
- paan Dy? bocah yak? wk pasti~

• What languages does 13 speak?
- bahasa adeknya yg paling kecil ngahahaha

• Who is 2 going out with?:
- Dicky Bramuntyo

• What grade is 16 in?
- 9th grade

• What is 5's favorite music?
- lagu-lagu korea, yegak Ci ahaha Wonder Girls~~

• Would you ever date 3?
- kaga lah wkwkwkw kan Fani sahabat gue, kakak gue dan musuh gue ._.

• Is 11 single?
- kayanya gitu deh

• What is 10s last name?
- Pratiwi

• Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 7?
- hah? emmm........ HE-HE-HE <- jawaban macam apa ini?

• Where does 18 live?
- apatuh namanya seberangnya kampung dua?

• What do you think about 20?
- baik, pinter, manja :)

• What is the best thing about 4?
- jahat tapi baik (?) bingung? pulang sana *lah*

• Is 21 hard-working?
- maybe?

• What would you like to tell 14 right now?
- Bisryyyyy!!!!

• How did you meet 9?
- pas kelas 7

• What is the best and worst thing about 2?
- the best? she always do the best thing for me :') worst? hem suka gak pasti gitu yakan???

• Are you going to know 3 forever?
- yeahhhhhh of course!

• How long have you known 26?
- hampir 10 tahun wohoho lama sekali ya~

• Who is 24?
- classmate when i was 8th grader, schoolmate

• Are you or did you ever date 28?
- sahabat gue oi-_- cewe pula-_-

• Do you have a crush on 27?
- lah ini bisa pas? wk HEHEHE

• Would you kiss 25?
- tidak

• Have you hugged/kissed 22?
- hugged pernah lah, kissed gamungkin wk saya normal haha

• Is 29 your bff?
- bukannnn

• What do you hate about 23?
- gak adaaaa c:

• What's your relationship with 30?
- temen yakan Vinnn!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Another Tears Is Begin?

Guten Tag ;) <-norak baru belajar tadi di sekolah wk

Okay beberapa hari gak posting blog bertaun-taun *lebay
Hem sudah 3 hari gue belajar di X-D dann.................. i got a nice chairmate :3 my friend from X-G too, then i miss X-G so badlyyyyy><><
Hem i've got bad news for me.................................................................................................. Iki already has a girlf.......................................... brb nangis guling-gulingan di tengah lapangan 31-_- hanjirrrrrr><
Hari ini dia one month ;_; hik.... hik...
It's hurt...
Tadi pas istirahat pertama gue keluar kelas rada telat karena ngerjain fisika dulu, gue kira Iki udah keluarkan eh pas gue keluar kelas....... Iki lewattttttt! Astaga betapa charmingnya dia u,u sayang udah punya girlf huh. Terus pas pulang sekolah kan pulang bareng Millaty, Mola dkk kan nunggu Millaty di depan kelasnya, X-B, gak lama kemudian Iki keluar kelas dengan pesonanya *ecie*, jalan, berenti di sebelah gue (gue jadi batu *.*), nengok ke belakang, jalan lagi (gue lumer *_*) wakwak apasi ini_-_ Terus nemenin Millaty beli seragam dulu, lumayan lama sih, gue ngeri si Iki udah pulang eh pas ke gerbang Iki ada di sanaaa gyaaaaaaaa>< charming sekali hunyu *ditabok Freddie* Terus nunggu lagi ada yang ke toilet elah lama sekali-_- EH si Iki dan teman-temannya berdiri di sebelah gue, Millaty & Eki WOHOOOOOO~ itu yang di toilet kaga usah dateng-dateng ye wkkkkk~ sumfe mata cling cling bling bling bgt di deket Iki *_* eh tp tp tpt tp udah di panggil Mola buat pulang_-_
Usai sudah pertemuanku dengan Iki hari ini ngkkkkkkk=_="

Hug & Kisses

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Shocking Story Between Me & Iki

Ehm okay calm down Dinnnnnn.
Fuh fuh fuh fuh......
Then the big news is..................................................
Yeah, this is sucha awkward story ahahaha.
Where i've met him?
Okay, i'll tell you readers!

I've told this story in my old blog.
One day, when im still in 8th grader, me, Meyo, Cici & Ekky went to Jakarta's old town. First, we visited Fatahillah's museum. After we look around in the museum, we moved to the Fatahillah's museum forecourt. There was Debus attraction. We watch that attraction. Shortly after, there was a gruop of children who passed in front of us. They wore the same t-shirt. I think they're going to Study Tour. Then i fallin' love at first sight with one of the child. I like his style! I got remember the colour of his sneakers ahahaha (i've told about him in my old blog). I said to Meyo, Cici & Ekky, "Hey, that boy looks so handsome and cute!", they said, "Which boy?", "That one! Who wear red-blue-brown Sneakers!". After seeing him, we went to lunch and visit other museums.

For almost one year, i still never saw him. In fact, i never remember him anymore.

Until that time comes..
When the Orientation School Period's class division on 16th July 2010. I saw him but still don't remember him. After the test, still in X-G, i started to like him (for the second time), exactly, still don't remember him. And yesterday, i found that at his Facebook's photo album!!!! I found the photo when he and his friends wear that t-shirt..... feels like i ever saw them before.... but where? and... when? and i saw him.... wearing that sneakers!!! OH GOD! I remember that sneakers! than the flashback comes.................. back to the time when im in Fatahillah's museum.
I was shocked.Then..... i laugh.
This is weirdooooo!
What the meaning of this sign?!
We meet again!!!!
Thank you so muchhhhh Allah SWT :')
Feels so happy after i know that! :'D

Ohyea here big present from X-G

X-G with Kak Bian, im wearing scout's uniform ;p the girl one haha

X-G with Kak Anna, im gonna miss this class so much :')

Hey, can u find me readers? and............................ can u find Iki? he's at there too xoxo

Hug & Kisses

Friday, July 23, 2010

Iki♥ Dwarfs♥ Hachigoro♥

Bonjour readers ;)

Thanks God it's Saturday!
Yesterday is my last day in X-G, my Orientation School Period's class, now im in X-D. Feels so lonely 'cause ehm theboy-whos-my-classmate-in-Gclass is not with me anymore......
ARGH! Gimme back my X-G huhuhu :( he's in X-A, i still want to be his classmate :'( hem let's call him 'Iki'. When i saw Iki's photo album in facebook, i feel............ weirdo?.... and....... surprised! There's a albums when Iki spend his holiday in KL&Spore, just that. And the freaky thing is......... Hachigoro also been there and have a photo album in facebook too, just at KL&Spore too!!!!!!! Engh-_- what's the meaning of this sign?_-_ I think maybe Iki and Hachigoro went KL&Spore in the same time, or maybe they saw each other?=_=" And the other weirdo thing is............................. me and Iki choose 1 Senior High School and neither kick from there HAHAHAHAHA-_- If im in 1 Senior High School, maybe i can saw Iki at there too. Oh no, Iki become to my new crush!!!!!>< From Iki... i liked his smile, his babyface, his style and his attitude :) but i never thought he would be my another crush hehehe.
The first time i saw Iki, i wanted to sing this lyrics:

"When I saw you over there
I didn't mean to stare
But my mind was everywhere
I wanna know you"

"I wanna know where you go
I wanna find out what you know
And maybe someday down the road
I'll sit back and say to myself
Yeah, I thought so!"

"You smile and never shout
You stand out in the crowd
You make the best of every situation"

"Correct me if I'm wrong
You're fragile and you're strong
A beautiful and perfect combination"

All lyrics from Archie ft Miles-I Wanna Know You ahahaha, thanks you both to singing this song ;p
Everything in yours is a perfect combination Ikiiii
Now, stop talk about Iki!

In the afternoon, Meyo told me she's on the way to 199 Junior High School with Cici, because i really miss them, of course i followed them to 199 JHS. When i got there, i immediately hug Meyo first. Did you know? when i hug Meyo, i wanted to cryyyy :') then i hug Cici u,u
Luthfan and Zackry is at there too, but they're practise Taekwondo, but im a lil' dissapointed, i come there because i want to meet Zackry, but he didn't play with me as usual :( lil' bit angry..
And we took some photos but i can't give it to you right now.

And todaaaaaaaaaaay, 24th July 2010, is Hachigoro's birthday :D !!!!!!!!!!
Then in 12.00 pm, i send a birthday message to him hehe, im i the first? hopes yeah!
Happy Birthday Hachigoro Fuschida :) wish you all the best!
thanks for being my favorite, my best, my #1 almost over 3 years, start from i saw you at 199 Junior High School. I know i can't be yours. You know that i love you, but you don't feel i was ur truble. Thanks for fulfilling my invitation in 5th March 2010. Since i like you i got a few lessons, one of them; Don't neglect those who approach you, who really likes you, who saw you from his heart, not from the physical. Yeah, i ever felt lost people like me, me and him might be a little different but we get along, but because i still liked Hachigoro, i let him away. When he gave up, i started to like him. ahahaha what a fool i am. Now she already has a boyfriend. Yeah i can only hope the best for him, because now i expect Iki!
Back to Hachigoro.
Hopes you can find ur future girlf. Just so you know, always pray the best for you.
Even though i've new crush, you're still the one :') !

Hug & Kisses

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Miss Ya ;(

Hey readers :D
Orientation School Period already doneeeeeeee! and now.............. im Anandina Swastika Dewi, student from 31 Senior High School YAAAAAY! gimme applause (?) wk
So, today i faced the placement test; math and indonesian. I feels so stupid when i did the test-_- my last holiday made me so stupid_-_ since the final exam in my Junior High School (i guess my holiday is three or four months :o so long) i've never studying._.
Ohyea i still feels awkward in my new school. I still don't have a close friend(s). But.............. i think i started love someone ;p ahahahaha yeah! He's my claasmate in X-G. He's cute, he's cool, he's handsome, he's...... awesome :D! But i don't know his name...... AHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A SILLY?!-_- today in school i wearing the scout's uniform and..... he also wearing the same uniform!!!!! in my class, almost people wearing batik's uniform but me and 'him' wearing scout's uniform..... wohohoho~ v^o^v hem when im waiting Millaty's friend, i saw 'him' stand near two girl, i think one of two gilr is his girlf>< huueeeeeeeeeeeeeee i don't wanna know the truth!-_- please dont be true. you dont have a girlf and i would like to be ursssss :p

Ohyeaa i miss my bestfriend so much..Really miss them.
I miss Fani's joke.
I miss Cici's voice.
I miss Luthfan's laugh.
I miss Zackry's bully.
I miss Meyo's smile.
I miss our time together.
Miss me too, guys?
Hopes yeah...


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Prepare For Name Tag~

Yo bloggers!
This night i made my name tag for Orientation School Period.
Hem still not finish yet-_- because im tired makin' 31 SHS's Badge.

huah not easy as you see the badge, seriously!
I had to erase the mistakes many times and draw againnnn><
But the badge already done, wohooow~
I wanna say "Thank you so muchhh!" to Shipo (color markers),
and on all stationary from Pandy (pencil case),

Aw thank you so much guys to helped me finished that badge ;)
Im gettin' bored and made this:

This is my heart, LOL

Who's inside?????????

Exactly, Freddie Highmore

Hahaha just random pict for tonight ;)

Hug & Kisses

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pre-Orientation School Period

Heyho bloggers

This morning i go to my new school at 5am-_- yeahh my home is far from 31 SHS~ whereas the pre-Orientation School Period is start at 6am! Ergh too morning . In the taxi (pst i went to my school by taxi wkwkwk) i send a message to my-new-friend-who-i've-never-seen-before but i saw her replies after the pre-Orientation School Period is overr ahaha~
Hem first, the teacher said we (10th grader) must lined up in the field for the class division, but, the rain is started to fall and we move to the Hall. Hem when i move alone, i remember when im around a lot of people likes this as usual Fani/ Cici /Zackry /Luthfan /Meyo grab my hand or my sholder and said, "watch out, dont let lose, little girl!", i miss that word, guys....
Okayyy dont let tears come!
I get 'G Group'! Yeah not bad, but my-new-friend-who-i've-never-seen-before is in 'I Group' u,u i still dont have a friends in my group. G.... is not bad... 'G' from _G_ and 'G' from Greyson Chance
We get the riddle from our senior to what we have to bring it on Monday~
This riddle is in Indonesian languange:
  • Pulpen Terbang: it means a pen by Pilot brand
  • Buku Tulis Orang Sunda: it means a book by AA brand
  • Snack; Kedelai Santai: it means Soy Joy
  • Food; matahari di atas cacing: it means egg over fried noodles
  • Drik; 6T: it means air putih (mineral water), the word 't' position is in the 6th. Count it!
  • Buah Laptop: apple~
Thanks for some people who helped me to finished this riddle
And the colour of 'G Group' isssssssss.......................................................... pink oh what a cute colouuuuuur>< actually, i really dont like pink for my stuff! and we must wearing the pink ribbon and pink name tag. If it blue? black? green? purple? i'll take it. But pink?! OH they're trying to kill me , but what should i do? Complain? Maybe my name 'll written in their blacklist
I must patient for 3 days....... c'mon Dina! just 3 days!
Eumm hopes i can find new friends quickly!
Wish me luckkkk
ONE MORE! Here my school~

not just this, this school still widely laterally ang backward!

Hall Room

Just that! Keep reading

Hug & Kisses

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Hey bloggers!
Hemm tomorrow i'll go to my new school, 31 Senior High School, for pre-orientation school period. Still wearing Junior High School uniform, still wearing 199 JHS tie, but, i go to different school ;( gonna feels so awkward. As i said in my last post, i can't find my-usual-beloved-friends in my new school. New school, new friends, new situation, new location & new senior. Hmhh i already missing my Junior High School friends. What should i do for tomorrow? What will happen tomorrow? enghhh forget that-_- that question just make me nervous all the time, seriously!
Ohyeaa two days ago i went swimming with my dwarfs♥ + Tari & Dinda our bitches ;p
We took some picts, enjoyyy:

thats Tari (sitting on the edge of the pool), Me (with swimming goggles) & Meyo

with Meyo♥

Fani is took all picts, you cant find him in that picts
Emmm just wanna share that!
Wish me luck for tomorrow! Be nice senior!

Hug & Kisses xoxo

Friday, July 9, 2010

Award (Again) :D

Heyyyy aku dapet award lagi :D thank you yaaa Gie ;)

This is the rules,
First, you have to answer these questions below:
Apa nama blog kamu?
Fancies Area

Apa tema blog kamu?
no title, just wanna share my daily activity :)

Bagi kamu, blog itu apa sih?
hem apa ya? this blog is just like my another mouth. hal-hal yang gak bisa aku ungkap kan pake kata-kata aku share di sini.

Apa yang kamu cari atau apa tujuan kamu ngeblog?
yang aku cari? apa ya? hem cuma iseng aja sih eh jadi keterusan deh ehehe lumayan kan dapet inform dari para bloggers lainnya, dapet temen baru dll.

and the second one, you have to give this award to your 5 friends .
I'll give it to:

Nabil, Adani, Icha, Riffy & Mayang

Never Say Good Bye :')

Hey bloggers ^_^

Soon i'll be separated from 199 Junior High School ;_・
I've graduated from that school.
I've tried my best in that school.
And i.................

I left many memories almost in every corner of the school.
Too many memories in there to tell.
Now, i've run out of time to learn in 199 Junior High School.
Maybe i can't get a chairmate like Dinda, Imas or Adin again, and i'll never see them and other friends in the canteen in my Senior High School.
After the recess bell rang, i couln't go to Meyo & Cici's class again, also i rarely even hear their voices.
Maybe in my Senior High Scool school i wouldn't find boys like Zackry, Fani and Luthfan.
I rarely get a friendship with boys, but in front of them i can show them who's the real me. They're really nice to me, even though they are often bullying me o(>< )o o( ><)o yaeh but i still love them. I will miss all of their behavior.
At there i wouldn't find a hangoutmate like Aghe.
At there will be no cute Chinese friend who like Asajima
At there, maybe i can't find a friend like Mayang, Zhy, Tari, Tiwi, Hana, Weny, Bisry, Sasa, Ekky, Ganies, Ayu, Cile, Nabila, Nabil, Dicky, Achy, Syifa, Dyah, Syaifa, Kina, Mahasty, Viana, Susan huaaah too much people to tell you one by one.
Fuhh ._. it seems only yesterday that i entered the 199 Junior High School's gate awkwardly.
It seems only yesterday that i was smiling because seeing Hachigoro passes in front of me
It seemed only yesterday i got my first medal.
It seems only yesterday that i wanted to kill Fakhri because he mocked me
It seemed only yesterday Agus spill Fanta on my white skirt when the practice of Science.

It seems only yesterday that me, Dinda, Ferina and Mayang create song lyrics.
It seems only yesterday that we made PEMANTO.
It seems only yesterday that i was conducting my first taekwondo test.
It seems only yesterday that i started writing The Greatest Adventure; Zombie Attack
It seemed only yesterday i hurt someone who is now is my bestfriend.
It seemed only yesterday i saw Hachigoro with his new hair at the Senior High School
It seems only yesterday that i made a bestfriends with Meyo, Zackry, Cici, Luthfan & Fani.
I think.....
It's hard to leave 199 Junior High School
I will miss them all >O<

still remember this one guys? :') we're still in grade 7!

celebrating Zackry's birthday with REPOT & Cile (his girlf)

Full House cover

after the announcement for National Exam

when Ekky still with us

feat Meyo, Cici & Aghe

with my blvd chairmate, Dinda :) 8 Senior High School student!

Manohara style awkw

this photo was taken shortly after we went up to grade 9

after musical drama test wth; 9-4 & Mrs.Laela

my musical drama's group. im the purple one ;p

I'll never say never (?) erggh i mean, i'll never say goodbye to them all because, we'll meet each other, someday and somewhere :')

Hug & Kisses
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